Monday 22 August 2016

Dad's Surprise 70th Birthday Party

It was a very successful surprise birthday party on Saturday, with smiles all round, and not a heart attack in sight! Not that I was worried or anything!
The week had been nice and relaxing at Mum and Dad's.  Matt and I saw a couple of friends for dinner, and we went for long walks along the beach.  Lovely.  We were all just gearing up for the party, although of course Dad knew nothing about it, (not for Matt's lack of trying however!  He nearly gave the game away twice).

Matt and I told Dad we were going out early to meet some friends for coffee, and spent a couple of hours setting up the room, at the lovely Huntsman of Brockenhurst pub.  Dad arrived later and we all shouted surprise, and sung happy birthday. He was very surprised indeed!

Amy made some lovely cakes - mint choc, and lime, to keep with the green theme.  Delicious.

Everyone had made a real effort in coming all the way down to the party, quite a long journey for some people.  Most had booked hotels for the night too, and made a weekend of it.

Very successful!  Here are a few photos from the night.

1 comment:

  1. A great party Faye and dad really had no idea! Well done to you all for your hard work, he loved it.
