Sunday 19 June 2016

Enterprise Week/ Leavers Party

This week has been exhausting.

At school it was enterprise week, which in theory is great fun.  Each year group works together to plan, design, budget and make 3 products.  Each class (3 per year) gets 20 euros to spend on materials, and then they sell them to parents on Friday afternoon.  Sounds fun so far, right?  To be fair, the children absolutely loved it.  The teachers were all knackered though.  I was meant to be floating around my year groups helping out, but I ended up on cover every day!  I was in year 6 on Monday and Tuesday - taking over from the person who organised the whole thing.  Then Wednesday I was a year 5 teacher, and Thursday, Friday I was a different year 5 teacher.  Changing classes so much, and being off time table just felt like complete chaos.  The market place in my year 5 room on Friday was very successful.  The class had decided to make 3 products between the 18 of them - origami mobiles, tea light holders, and 'volcanoes' (bottles full of oil, oil based paint and then add an anti acid tablet, and the paint starts bubbling.  Pretty cool really.  We sold out of mobiles and volcanoes really quickly.  All of our products were priced between 1.50 and 2.50 euros.  We ended up making over 90 euros profit!  The other year 5 classes did similar, so I think year 5 will win the overall competition.

A hard week at work, but fun for the kids, and for me too, maybe.  Just a little bit!

In the evenings this week we've also been quite busy.  Matt was out watching the Euros on Monday evening.  I went to Shanke on Tuesday evening with the girls for a catch up.  Thursday night, Matt's friend came over to watch the football and look at our holiday photos.  Friday night, Matt played football in Cologne against our sister school.  They ended up losing which was a shame, but still went out in Cologne after for a few drinks.  I went to a friend's housewarming party on Friday night, which was nice, and much tamer than last time (no chipped teeth this time!).  On Saturday, we went to Dusseldorf for the leavers party.  It was meant to be a BBQ by the river, but it absolutely chucked it down with rain.  It was sunny when we left so we had shorts and sunglasses.  It started raining and got REALLY cold, not very nice for June.  I  hope the weather sorts itself out soon!  Matt stayed out later than I did, and woke me up at 3am by throwing the cat onto the bed.

Today, we are going for a few drinks later with friends.  It's been a really busy and sociable week!
Tomorrow I am off to my friends wedding venue to have a look around and take some practice photos before I become their official wedding photographer in August - scary stuff!

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