Monday 30 May 2016

Kegel, Dusseldorf TV Tower, Boat Trip and The Tiger and Turtle.

What a busy week!  We're now on half term, thank goodness!!!
The week started with being interrogated by German health officials about whether or not we've had our MMR injections.  Both of us have (or so we thought, turns out Matt only had 1!), so we were both allowed into school.  Most people managed to get in, although some were waiting in reception for a few hours for UK doctors surgeries to open, so that they could phone for evidence of the jabs.  The whole of year 5 were out on Monday, as well as 2/3 year 6 teachers, and 1 year 4, most of the German and languages staff were out too.  So on Monday I was in year 5, with the English as a Second language teacher, and the special needs teacher.  We were meant to be off time table anyway due to it being  Enterprise Week, and a letter that had gone out about the Mumps said that we would be off timetable.  When I found out where I would be (5 minutes before the kids came into the building) we were suddenly told that there were in fact enough teachers in the school, so normal lessons would happen.  Ummm.... no year 5 teachers, no planning.  We winged it.  Absolutely and completely winged it.  One of the teachers who was in year 5 with me, was actually so impressed with how I handled the situation and took charge, despite having no warning of where I would be, she told my boss that I need to be paid more.  Always nice to get compliments.  Two of the year 5 teachers were back by lunch which was good.

On Tuesday I was in year 6 with the one teacher who was in.  So we had 3 classes split between the 2 of us, which was rather a handful.  We coped fine though, and managed to get some Maths and English in among play rehearsals and watching Matilda.  Needless to say we were all glad when Wednesday came to a close.

On Wednesday evening, we had booked (months ago) to do the old style of German bowling (Kegel) in the basement of our local pub, Shanke.  We had a great group, and really enjoyed ourselves.  I came 3rd out of 11.  Matt came 9th! HAHA!  They make their own alcoholic shots in Shanke, called Rhubarber schnapps, and we ended up drinking 3 bottles of it between 11 of us.  Our friends brother came to stay that night, but spent all of Thursday being ill!

Thursday and Friday were pretty chilled.  It was nice to be off work knowing that we still have a whole week to go.

Matt's parents and brother arrived late on Friday night, after their flight was delayed by an hour.  The flat was a bit crowded with 5 of us staying there, but we managed OK.  It was meant to rain over the weekend, but we managed to avoid it, and it was actually really warm.

On Saturday, we went into Dusseldorf.  We had a few beers along the Rhine, then walked to the TV tower.  With 3 people in our group scared of heights, I think we actually managed really well!  Matt even leaned on the sloping windows!

We had a pork bun for lunch, and of course an ice cream, then we went on a Rhine cruise to Kaiserswerth, a town not too far from our flat.  The cruise took 45 minutes, and it was all inclusive drinks, with the boys obviously made the most of.

I've only ever been to the area of Kaiserswerth right next to the tram station, but it's actually a very pretty old town, with some nice ruins, which we explored.

We went to What's Beef for dinner, a burger place, that does absolutely enormous burgers, and really nice chilli cheese fries. I had a lovely veggie burger with avocado.

On Sunday, we went for a walk through our local park and out the other side to visit Duisburg's monument, the 'Tiger and Turtle'.  It is branded as a walking roller coaster, and has steps so you can walk up most of it.  Again, our height phobia members of the group did amazingly well.  You get a lovely view of Duisburg from the top.  You can see how green and how industrial it is at the same time.

After going up the monument, we walked to XXL, the bar near school, for lunch and to watch the Monaco F1.  We came home for a look at our holiday photos from Florida, then went to Websters brewery in Duisburg town centre for dinner.  They do an amazing schnitzel there with an egg on top.  Delicious!

Our guests left early this morning, so now we have a week to ourselves.  It started torrential raining with thunder and lightening during the night, so the day is grey and horrible.  Not much incentive to leave the house really!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a nice time with the in-laws. Nice picture of the family at the end too!
