Sunday 22 May 2016

Birthdays, Ice Cream and Food Festivals

It's been a rather busy weekend.
This week I was off sick (again).  I am now finally feeling better, after 3 weeks of being ill with various things.  My chest infection finally got the better of me, and I only went back in for one day on Friday.  Other than being very confused by what day of the week it was, I had quite a good day, covering a year 6 teacher who was off sick.  We had a poetry slam, which a very shy lad won.  He is a lovely boy, who has grown so much in confidence this year.  He even performed his poem off by heart in assembly in front of all of year 5 and 6.  I got all misty eyed along with the other teacher watching him.  It was wonderful.
The highlight of my day was doing some play rehearsal with year 6.  They are doing a Shakespeare medley which is really funny.  One of the German girls has to do a cockney accent, and was really embarrassed about it.  So I held a cockney accent workshop with her.  It was HILARIOUS!  I did a few awful accents to get her to relax a bit, and wrote out some of the words phonetically to help her.  The accent came out somewhere between American and Australian.  I'd promised her that I wouldn't laugh, and I really worked hard to keep that promise.  So funny.

On Saturday, Matt and I went to the ice cream place around the corner from our house for 'lunch', if you can call just having ice cream a meal!

Guess which was mine?

On Saturday evening we went into Dusseldorf for two friends birthday celebrations.  It was Japantag, which is Japanese Day, so the old town was really busy with people dressed up in Manga costumes, and just some really random, non Japanese related costumes.  They love an excuse to dress up in Germany.  We went to the Irish bar to watch the English football final, and ended up staying until after 11.  Matt and I left then for a cheeky cocktail just the two of us, then managed to catch up with our friends for the very busy tram home.  It was a fun night.

Today we went to the Food Festival at the Landschaftpark in Duisburg.  I went last year and enjoyed some fabulous food, so Matt came along this year, with a couple of our friends.  Like last year it absolutely poured with rain, which was a shame, but it didn't stop us from enjoying a surf 'n' turf burger, a chorizo and potato wedges plate and for pudding, a snickers cup, and a selection of homemade marshmallows with chocolate sauce.  I must admit I did feel rather sick after those!

Work will be rather interesting next week.  We have now had 3 cases of the Mumps in Primary school teachers within the last few weeks, so tomorrow we all have to go in and prove through a signed doctors letter that we have had the MMR vacccination.  Matt and I have both had it, but only have it written in our baby books, not actual evidence, so we won't be able to go to school for the week!  We're thinking of going for a day trip to Movie Park, the local theme park instead!

1 comment:

  1. That food looks wonderful! Glad you've had a fun weekend!
