Friday 1 January 2016

Happy New Year!

Here's to the start of .......

Yes, your absolutely right, I have been having a wonderful time playing with my fabulous new camera!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
I spent a good hour on new years eve trying to figure out how to change these settings to achieve these fantastic photos, and eventually worked it out.  We had lots of fun playing with the sparklers, experimenting with shapes.  It was actually quite tricky to write things!  Matt's cousin had a fabulous time being my model.

We of course, had to have the West Ham United hammers...

... and a light sabre fight...

We brought the new year in, in style surrounded by family friends.  So here's to a fantastic, happy and healthy 2016.

Earlier on in the week, while still at Mum and Dad's, I took the pooch for a walk along the beach, and had to take the camera with me.  I got some great shots, using my favourite setting; where just one colour is highlighted.

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