Saturday 9 January 2016

A London Photoshoot

I had a wonderful afternoon in London, last weekend, just before we came back to Germany for the start of term.  Of course, I took my fabulous new camera with me, and had a great deal of fun playing with the black&white/highlight one colour setting... I may have got slightly carried away!

I even like the bins/bikes photo.  I may have gone a bit 'colour-setting' crazy.

My wonderful friend Louise was with me and became my (slightly reluctant) model.  She is very photogenic and I didn't take one bad photo of her.  I love taking photos of people, and realised that if you just start taking photos of your mates, there's not really much they can do about it.  I think she secretly enjoyed it!


We're now back in the swing of things in Germany.  The first week back was HARD WORK!  But I at least feel like I can now get up at 6.30am without having a tantrum.  I have taken on a new venture this term: the buddy scheme.  It is for year 6 students to help out around the playground, playing with kids who are on their own, sorting out minor injuries and disagreements etc.  I did a sales pitch to the year group on Thursday and 35 out of 40 children said they were interested!!! I think it was probably me highlighting that they could do some online shopping with me for new toys for the 'buddy box' that did it.  They have to write me a letter of application, and i'll decide on 8-10 children next week.  I feel very positive about how enthusiastic they all were.  My sales pitch obviously worked!

The 'Miami diet' has started in full force, and is going very well (we're on day 6 today).  We are eating healthily (following weight watchers) and have been to the gym 4 times.  I already feel better in myself, and my new bikini for Miami is serious motivation.  I have just spent an hour reading a blog about someone who goes to Disney world all the time.  I am now so excited I actually feel a bit sick.  Not even sure I was this excited when I went 10 years ago!  I CAN'T WAIT.  69 more sleeps!  Sorted our visas out today too, and booked our visit to the Turtle hospital in the Florida Keys for the last day of the holiday before we fly home.  Really looking forward to that.  Working on an itinerary for the rest of the trip too.

We're got a good week ahead planned.  We are off to Stuttgart on Friday with 4 mates from work, which will be enormous fun.  Then the following Wednesday I'm off skiing with year 5.  The resort got snow yesterday, so fingers crossed it stays for another week and a half!

All in all, we're feeling very positive about 2016, and are both looking forward to the term ahead of us. 

1 comment:

  1. I love your photos, you have a great eye for composition! Glad the first week back has been ok.
