Sunday 31 January 2016

A Relaxing Weekend

No pictures to show of this week, except these two of Toni the cat who came to visit on Friday night.
It's been an odd week really.  I was very busy on Monday and Tuesday, with three of the teachers out of six who went on the ski trip being ill.  I myself was off on Wednesday with whatever those teachers (and half the children in year 5) had.  Matt went to England on Wednesday evening for his Masters seminars, so I was left to my own devices.  I've just had a quiet couple of days really, not doing much at all.  Just watching films, making some cards, and doing some colouring in.  I went into Duisburg for a wander around the shops on Saturday, but it was raining, so I was in and out as quickly as I could be.  Matt is coming home this evening, (yay!), and we only have one more week of school until half term.  We don't really have any plans for half term, apart from slobbing about the flat together.  I am off to the zoo with a work pal one day, and Matt and I might do a day trip somewhere if we're up to it.  Just chilling out and saving money until the big holiday.  The count down is in the 40s now - 48 more sleeps until Miami!  Can't wait!

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