Sunday 4 October 2015

A Surprise Party

This week has been very busy, getting back into work after a week off with a chest infection.  I was feeling much better, but now think that I am getting another cold; still, it hopefully won't be as bad as last week.  As long as it's done by Wednesday, which is residential time, all will be well.

This week, we went back to our old road (not to visit the crazy landlady, don't worry!), but to visit our friend in hospital (which happens to be on our old road).  His lung has just about healed, so hopefully he will be out of hospital on Wednesday.  I did nearly faint on him, when he showed me the tube sticking out of his side, that leads into a clear box full of his blood.  When he coughs, all the blood wizzes up the tube into the box.  It made me feel rather peculiar, I must admit.  I had to sit down sharpish!

Thursday night I went over to my friends for dinner; one of our other friends cooked a vegetarian curry, which was lovely.  We ended up drinking a few bottles of prosecco, and they were both a bit worse for wear on Friday.  I drank considerably less, so was actually OK!

On Saturday, the Primary School lot headed to nearby Bochum (I say nearby, it took us an hour and a half to get there - I can't believe our friend we were visiting does that journey twice a day!).  We were there for a surprise house party for our friend Emily's 25th birthday.  Another friend had taken her out for dinner to allow us all to arrive in secret, but then Emily didn't want to come home because she was having too much fun!  We were at her house for nearly an hour before she got there!  She was very surprised, and we had a great evening dancing in her living room!  Because of the long journey, I didn't get home until 1.30am, so am feeling pretty tired today.

Matt went into Dusseldorf last night to watch the England Vs Australia rugby world cup match.  England lost, and are now out of the world cup, which is very disappointing.  Matt is feeling a bit worse for wear today!

I went out for lunch today with the girlfriend of the friend who is in hospital, which was lovely, and now we're just having a chilled out evening in watching 24.

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