Sunday 25 October 2015

First Week Back

I can't believe that we have only been back for one week.  It's been really long!  As promised, below is a photo from my night out last week.  Above is of Matt making friends with the cat that lives downstairs.  I kept turfing it out of the flat, and Matt kept letting it back in.  She's good for a snuggle though, so I can understand why!

The week started out with me covering the Little Dragons, as you know, not my favourite place to be.  One wouldn't stop wailing, so it set the rest of them off, and was a bit of a miserable day.  In the afternoon, I was in a French lesson for year 8, observing the children that I will be working with three lessons a week.  TAing in another language was quite stressful, but at least it will be English lessons from now on.  My first proper session will be tomorrow, and I must admit i'm a bit nervous about working with the older kids.

On Tuesday I was covering Year 2.  They were hard work because the teacher lets them run riot.  They were talking over each other and me, but they were quite nice really.

Wednesday was parents evening, so all the kids go home at lunch time.  The teachers get a long break and then have to be in until 7pm!  For the TAs it meant normal working hours, and getting lots done.  We have 3 storage cupboards and an art room that are all swapping around, so we made a start on that/. It's dirty work, but quite satisfying.  I think we may be off time table for a bit next week to try to get some more done, because it's slow progress.

Matt has had a very busy week, dealing with a child on the brink of expulsion who is in a childrens home, so his week has been stressful.  His friend, Hutchy is here this weekend though which is lovely.  They went to the pub and casino with some of the lads from work yesterday, and are due back from watching Dortmund football team any minute.  We're off out for dinner too, which will be nice.

1 comment:

  1. I'm surprised the cat comes in after having Lola visit! Nice photo of the girls. Xx
