Saturday 11 July 2015

Schools Out For Summer!!!

School is now over for 6 whole weeks!!! Whoooooo!  I can't believe that we have been in Germany for a whole year.  It's gone so quickly.

This week was very busy for both of us.  Matt had a lot of preparation to do for next year, with his new management role.  He also got asked very last minute to organise the leavers gifts and the end of year BBQ for the whole staff.  No small occasion.  

I had lots of tidying up to do of the lower school storage and resource rooms, and the art room too.  I was also trying to get things ready for next year as much as possible.  Busy busy busy.

Friday was a half day for the kids, and all the teachers were getting goodbye presents from the kids.  I didn't expect anything at all, what with being off timetable and away from my usual kids for the last few weeks.  One girl remembered me though and bought me chocolates and scented candles.  She had even asked another teacher what my favourite colour was so that the wrapping paper would match!  What a sweetie!

The year 6 teacher who is leaving, whom I have been a TA for all year, bought me a very nice bottle of wine, and the other year 6 teacher bought me an Orchid (I LOVE Orchids!) to say thank you for the year, and for making her wedding flowers (See photo at the bottom, and my other blog for more photos

Now we're off to Amsterdam for the week, before we finally move house.  It's going to be another busy week, but I can't wait!

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