Wednesday 22 July 2015

Moving House and Graduation Day

The day after we got back from Amsterdam it was moving day!  Nothing like keeping busy during the holidays!  Luckily we had some help from our lovely friends.  It took all day, but finally everything was moved, and the flat was cleaned top to bottom.  We celebrated with our removal men in the pub for Andy's last ever 'Shaenke Thursday'.

On Friday, we moved a few more things over to the new flat, after having spent our final night at Gravelottestrasse.  I'm so glad we don't have to live there anymore!  We have now started getting abusive emails from our old landlady, so we are especially thrilled to be out of there.  We flew home on Friday evening, and it was lovely to see Matt's family again.

Saturday was the big Harris family BBQ, which was great fun as always.  Sam and Amy came too, and it was really nice to see them and have a proper catch up.

On Sunday, Matt and I went up to Richmond to have dinner by the river and drinks with some of his old Sunbury Manor work friends.  A few people who don't normally venture out came to see us, so it was really special.

On Monday the Harris family went up to Nottingham for Luke's Graduation.  We went up by train after work at 8.30pm, so we didn't get there until after 10.  We stayed in the Jurys Inn, which was a nice hotel, and very close to the station.  We all had breakfast early on Tuesday, but only Tony and Margaret had tickets to the actual graduation ceremony.  Luke went to the University early to get his gown, and suddenly we had a phone call to say that he had managed to get tickets for Matt, Gran and myself!  So we all got to see him graduate in the end.  The ceremony was nice, and the honorary doctorate was awarded to a very charming, engaging woman, who had started a breast cancer awareness charity for young people called Coppafeel!  She herself was diagnosed with breast cancer at 23 years old, and now at 29 is doing amazing things to raise awareness with university students.  Her speech was down to earth, humble, and funny, and I was inspired by her story.

Luke looked fabulous in his gown and we're all very proud of him.

Margaret's brother and sister, plus family came over from Manchester for lunch after the ceremony, which was great.  It was nice to be able to see them all, including one of our beautiful bridesmaids.  We got back really late yesterday, so are having a relaxing lazy day today.  I'm off to Mum and Dads tomorrow and Matt will join me on  Sunday, which is our 1 year anniversary!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photos of the graduation. I'm also glad you have got away from the mad old landlady.
