Monday 27 July 2015

Anniversary Tea

We are back at Mum and Dad's in Hampshire this week, which has been lovely.  Matt arrived a few days after me, so I had spent my time doing lots of things I love like going to the garden centre for soup, walking along the cliff top, eating cake in cafe's, watching the boats at Lymington harbour, and eating even more cake.

Sunday was our one year anniversary, and we celebrated by going back to the hotel where we got married for afternoon tea (so yum!).  We got an upgrade to a beautiful 4 poster bed room, and we had a lovely dinner.  Matt had ordered flowers, champagne, and chocolates to our room too, and it was a really special day.

Today, we went for a wander around the little village of Burley, with it's extremely tacky array of shops, and then went for a hot chocolate along the cliff top.  It's lovely and relaxing!

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