Tuesday 26 May 2015

Proof That Jogging Is Bad For You!

I only ended up working for 3 days again last week.  On Sunday, I went for a run and managed to bruise my ankle bone.  I have no idea how; I didn't trip or fall, it just suddenly started hurting a lot.  Work didn't help the situation.  On Monday and Wednesday I was covering all day for Year 5, because one of the teachers had an eye infection.  I was on my feet a lot of the day.  I did tell the kids that I was going to teach from sitting down as much as possible, but it never really works.  You just end up with a huge crowd of children around your desk!  On Tuesday, I was continuing to sort out the gigantic order of resources that had come in earlier the week before.  The other TA was on the Year 6 residential, so I was on my own.  Sorting through boxes and ticking the order off a huge list isn't exactly something you can do sitting down, so by the time Thursday morning arrived, I was definitely ready to go to the Doctors.  I got seen really fast, and had my foot strapped up.  I spent quite a nice couple of days watching films and not doing much else really!

On Saturday I went to my friend's hen party.  She had lots of guests from the UK staying with her, and about 5 of us from work went too.  We went to her house for drinks, and to get our T-shirts and play a few games (her fiance had been asked lots of questions, and my friend had to see if she could guess the correct answers).

We then headed out to the Apollo Theatre in Dusseldorf for the 'Tulips of Amsterdam' variety show.  The show changes every 2 months or so, and my boss had been to a previous one and said it was really good.  There was a bit of talking in German, but not too much, which was good.  The acts included; chorus girls dressed as windmills, tulips and prostitutes!, a contortionist, acrobats, jugglers (who were throwing juggling pins between them.  They stripped down to vest and pants while still juggling, and then put all of their clothes back on while juggling too!  Shirts buttoned up and ties re-tied too!),  The hen was called up on stage to partake in some cowbell ringing too!   Here is the link to the website, which has a video on it.  It's a good taste of what the show was like. http://www.apollo-variete.com/

I left at about 11pm because my ankle was starting to ache, but I believe the others didn't get home until around 6am!!!


  1. Sorry your ankle is giving you trouble. Hopefully it's on the mend now? The hen party sounds great fun!

  2. I've always maintained that jogging is a bad idea! Hope you're on the mend xx
