Saturday 16 May 2015

How many men does it take to light a BBQ?

Three, as it turns out!

This has been a short week at work, just three days due to a Bank holiday on Thursday and a bridge day on Friday.  Lucky us!  It has just meant squeezing 5 days worth of work into 3 for me though.  At the beginning of the week I was given the project of creating door displays for anyone who didn't have one in Lower School.  This turned out to be 11.  That would have kept me occupied for the entire week, except we got a gigantic order of stationary and resources on Wednesday lunch time.  That took priority, even over my classes, and so that is what I spent Wednesday afternoon, and will spend most of next week doing.  Fun times!  Ordinarily it would be OK, because I would have the other TA with me, but she is off on the Year 6 residential next week, so I will be all alone.  This will give me a taster of what it will be like next year I think.  The other TA is becoming a Teacher, and the school are not replacing her, so I imagine I will be rather lonely next year!  Still, I like being busy, it's so much better than having nothing to do.

Thursday was spent doing not much at all during the day.  We went out for cocktails with some friends in the evening, and spent Friday with the same friends having a BBQ.  The weather was lovely and sunny, but still a bit breezy.  Give it another month and the weather will be scorching hot I think.  It's pouring with rain today, and were off to a birthday party later.

A relaxing, and more sociable than usual weekend. - very nice!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds lovely. And in answer to your how many men does it take? Well in my experience generally more than three, so bravo they did well!
