Sunday 22 March 2015

Duisburg Food Festival and Creativa Craft Fair

It's been a seriously busy weekend.  Matt went off to England at 4am on Saturday morning to watch England vs France at Twickenham Rugby Stadium (He had a wonderful time).  Later on Saturday, I went off to the industrial Landschaftspark Nord for the Duisburg Food Festival, with a couple of work friends.

The park is really cool, such a good venue for the Food Festival.  You can do night time tours of the park with head torches, while the park is lit up by multi-coloured lights.  Having been there during the day now, I really fancy doing the night tour.

The food was superb, and we were spoilt for choice.  I settled on a naan-wich (paneer cheese and tikka sauce all wrapped up snugly in a naan).  Scrum-diddly-umptuous.
For desert, Sean and I shared home made marshmallows with chocolate sauce, modeled by Sean below...  Yum Yum YUM!

On Sunday, I went to the Creativa Craft Fair in Dortmund, which was fantastic and exhausting.  You can read about in on my Creative-Faye blog here.

The week at school was a tiring one, with lots of work on painting scenery for the Year 3 and Year 5 plays next week.  I shall be thrilled when they are done and dusted, though I am still pretty nervous for the Year 5 one!  Fingers and toes crossed, for that one I think.  Other than that, I've been working on various displays, and I was in with the Little Dragons (2 and 3 year olds) for a day, which was it's usual torture.  At least they didn't even try to get me to change nappies this time.  I was helping with snack and lunch time, and then sitting reading with the kids on the carpet.  They all suddenly decided to act like cats, and started climbing all over me and tugging my earrings and necklace.  I scarpered pretty quickly after that, and used an awful lot of hand gel before having my own lunch. Eugh!
On Monday, I went to Asia Gourmet for dinner with a friend that I'm off on a mini holiday with next week.  We are going to The Hague in The Netherlands, and we're going to buy the train tickets (and probably have Asia Gourmet again) tomorrow.

Only 4 and a half days to go until 3 weeks off! Yay!

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