Monday 9 March 2015

Curry, Crochet, Cover and Colds

It's been a week of C's, starting with another full week of cover work.  It's been an odd sort of cover week though.  Despite being with the same year 5 class as last week, the usual teacher was doing half days, so I was in the class helping him out in the mornings, then I took over teaching when he went home in the afternoons.  Some lessons I really wasn't needed in, like Mental Maths tests, so I just sat in the corner and did some marking.  It was another full on week of play rehersals.  There is now just 3 weeks to go, and they have finally started to improve!  Fingers crossed it will be alright on the night.  I was helping with props again.  One afternoon, I sat in a classroom with three kids who weren't needed during the scenes that were being rehersed.  We started making paper carnation flowers for the villagers to sell during one of the scenes.  The flowers look great, and it was nice to sit and chat with the kids about non-school related things.  There is a large prop called the Squisher (which has a revolving wheel that will eventually 'squish' the Sheriff of Nottingham when he goes under it, and a cardboard 'squished' version of him will come out the other side.  It's taken ages, but is finally finished.  I'll take a photo of it so you can see it in all it's glory!

On Friday night, we went to the pub near school for dinner, and didn't end up getting home until 2am!  Busy busy.  On Saturday morning I woke up with a horrible cold, and have felt awful since then.  I forced myself to go out for curry on Saturday night, as we were due to meet the girlfriend of one of our mates.  I'm glad I went in the end, but I did feel pretty rubbish.  On Sunday I slept for most of the day, and Matt just pottered around, and went out for pastries for lunch.  Today is Monday, and I've been off sick from school.  I have spent the day indulging in Howard Keel films (Calamity Jane/Seven Brides for Seven Brothers) and crocheting various things.

This is what Matt came home with one day last week! He had managed to find a whole sale place that posts fruit gums to Germany!!!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely orchid and crochet flowers! And that's a lot of fruit gums. Does this mean I don't have to search for them in my supermarket any more?
