Sunday 20 December 2020

House Update!


It's been a while since I posted any photos, and hard to believe that we've been living in our lovely house for 2 weeks already!

We really do own a ridiculous amount of stuff.  Our spare room has so many boxes in it, it may not be habitable for the next 10 years!  Everything else seems to be coming together quite nicely though.  It's starting to feel  like home.  It's still a bit echo-ey since we don't have curtains downstairs or any pictures on the walls yet.  We were waiting to see what pictures we uncovered before putting up the ones we've got.  We've collected so much art from around the world, I couldn't even remember where some of it came from!

I finished the last bit of painting today - the big cupboard in the kitchen for all our food.  I'm glad it's done, as it's getting rather difficult to find my way into corners around my stomach

The cats have settled in remarkably well.  I think that as soon as they realised that we weren't putting them on a plane again, they relaxed.  They seem to be happy as long as we are both around.  They are even ignoring our Christmas tree, which is amazing really, considering they have never seen one before.  It's a very big tree!  I'll post some photos of of house looking Christmassy soon, but for now, here are some of us putting the final touches to the painting and decorating...

1 comment:

  1. It is looking great and it's amazing when you see the photos along the way, how much you've done!
