Sunday 4 October 2020

Week 23

It's week 23, not of isolating, or coronavirus, or anything horrible for that matter, but of my pregnancy.  My goodness, time is moving along quickly.  We seriously need to get the house finished and I feel like we're making good progress, but not quick enough!

We had the fireplace removed and it looks great.  The upstairs is nearly ready to start painting and we have various electricians, kitchen people and carpet people booked in over the next couple of weeks.

Here's Snowball having an explore outside.  He loves it.  Sooty just sits next to the open door and looks out, but he doesn't venture far.  He did make a run for a bird last week, but was miles away from catching it.  Now he sits with the door pulled a bit more closed, so that he has to go around it and hasn't got a straight line of sight to the bird table!

We had 5 days of isolating last week because Matt got a cough.  He is fine and his Covid test came back negative, but considering he is a teacher and should be a 'priority case', it took ages for the test results to come back.  Thank goodness he is fine and we didn't have to isolate for 2 weeks!  It did mean that I missed a full day of work, as well as the next two afternoons.  My school had an INSET day, which meant that our club was open for a full day.  I had done all the planning for an Archaeology themed day, so was disappointed to miss it.  My colleagues decided not to do the theme, because I was looking forward to it so much!  So now, we'll have an archaeology week during half term instead. Yay!

Otherwise, not too much has been going on.  Life continues in 'the new normal' way!

1 comment:

  1. Snowball is so curious he's definitely the one to watch when the back door is open!
