Sunday 18 October 2020

Paint Party!

We had a bit of a painting party last week, with Matt's parents coming to stay for a few days.  We were all on a mission to get the baby's room and our bedroom painted and ready to go.  The baby's room was really blue, so it took a good few coats of paint to cover, but everyone worked really hard and those two rooms are now finished, apart from getting the plug sockets changed.  Mum and I even bought curtains and a bed spread for the main bedroom today, so that when it comes time to move in, we will be well and truely ready to go!

It was so nice having Matt's parents here - we've barely seen them since coming back from China because of all the restrictions.  Their area has just gone into Tier 2, so no more paint parties for us for a while.

Things in the new house are coming along slowly but surely.  We've had some quotes from electricians to rewire the house and we need to get all the pipework redone, since it's not made of copper and is therefore rusting from the inside out.  That may mean a new bathroom possibly too.  We had the house measured for new carpet/flooring yesterday and the carpet man discovered damp under the floor in the kitchen, but it doesn't sound like it should be too tricky to fix.  Still, it's just one thing after another with this house, aka, 'the moneypit'.  Like we keep telling ourselves, it will be wonderful when it's finished.

I am off to buy the new kitchen on Tuesday next week, which is exciting!

Otherwise, life continues in it's usual/unusual way of modern times, as the days begin to get darker and the cat snuggles get cozier and longer.

For International Teacher's day, Matt was featured on his school's website with this photo of him with all his appreciation letters from his students.

We've been going for walks in the forest, and Matt's been playing football with his Sunday league team.  He got washing duty last week, and I just had to take a photo of all the kits drying on the line.

We also got a new car this week.  Matt picked it up on Friday morning.  It's lovely and quiet and has plenty of space.  It's a kind of burgundy/purple/browny colour, so it's called Merlin the Merlot.

Mum and I needed a boost on Saturday afternoon after I'd spent the morning at the house scraping paint of the downstairs walls, so we went to look at the Christmas decorations at the local garden centre.  They had such lovely pumpkins on display too!  I know it's a bit early to be looking at Christmas things, and much much earlier than we normally go to the garden centre, but I think everyone is wondering if/when we're going to go into lockdown again, so we need to get our Christmas shopping under way now!


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