Sunday 12 July 2020

Sooty and Snowball

Our fur family is reunited!!!  Oh my goodness, i've missed those fluff-nuggets so much.  I didn't even realise how much until I saw them at Heathrow on Thursday.  They landed on Wednesday (a week later than expected because China decided they needed our original passports - please let us get them back safely soon!).  Their 8 hours of airport quarantine took them out of office hours, so they ended up staying over, and Matt drove us to Heathrow on Thursday morning.  They seem to be adjusting to English life remarkably well.  At first, they were shy and nervous, but it really didn't take long until they were sat on our bed, curled up, purring, fast asleep, looking like they owned the place!

They have always been very affectionate cats - maybe something to do with being strays - but the love and cuddles got going again pretty much straight away.

Lola is very interested in them.  The boys are in the downstairs front room, so that they can look at Lola through the glass door.  She hasn't stopped wagging her tail.  The cats seem a bit curious, but not really that fussed about her at all.  Matt bent down while holding Snowball today, so that Lola could sniff him.  Snowball didn't seem fazed at all, which is great.

It's been a rather busy week or two.  Matt and I went to visit his parents last weekend, which was lovely.  It was so nice to have a change of scenery and to see family.  We came back on Monday morning, in time for me to go to work.  Unfortunately, when I got home from work and was in bed having a nap, I had a seizure.  It's good that I was already lying down, since I didn't hurt myself, but very inconvenient.  I've been off work for the rest of the week, and am absolutely fine now.

It's Mum and Dad's 40th wedding anniversary today! Congratulations!  Here is a photo of them on their wedding day...

... and here, 40 years later eating a fry up...

Yesterday was Sam's birthday, so he and Amy came down for the day for a socially distanced BBQ, which was lovely.

1 comment:

  1. Sam looks so much like laurie! Both 34 in the photo! Not sure sooty was very happy about being outside but snowball hasn't a care in the world!
