Sunday 19 July 2020

Yinyang Cats

Just a couple of photos of the cats looking like a yinyang today.  They are so cute.  We're really enjoying having them home.  Both cats have now had encounters with Lola, and both went quite well.  They ended up with the cats making themselves as fluffy as possible, but no one got swiped by a clawed paw, so I count that as a success!

This was the last week of term for me, although it was very strange with all the teachers and teaching assistants having a real 'summer holidays are here' feeling, and me knowing that my working hours go up during the holidays for the holiday camp.  I could really do with a summer holiday, but never mind.  We've got a huge number of kids signed up for the holiday camp, so we'll be kept busy, which is good.

We had a BBQ yesterday, after a nice walk in the forest, and today Mum and Dad have gone to Basingstoke to visit their friends for the afternoon.  I've not felt great this weekend, so Matt and I are taking things easy, currently with the Formula 1 on and some cats on our laps. Perfect.

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