Sunday 1 March 2020

Forest Life

I seem to have settled into a bizarre routine that could never be compared with normal living.  I get up very early for my one-on-one Skype lessons with my students.  I'm finished by 10am every day, and then i'm left to fill my day with lesson planning, day dreaming about what the cats are up to in Shanghai and walking the dog.  I've fit in quite a lot of crochet and cross stitch too, and i'm catching up with all the TV we can't watch in China.  Matt's been at his parents for a while, so that he can go to some West Ham matches and see some of his family.  He'll be back down in the Forest for a few days next week.

It's just all a bit disjointed really.  We don't really know what to do with ourselves.  It's difficult to make any solid plans because we don't know how long we'll be here for, or if we'll ever make it back to China.  There are now only 4 weeks until we officially finish working in China.

We've just had the wettest February on record in England, but now things seem to be clearing up.  We had a lovely walk in the sunshine today.  We had to hide from an enormous heard of cows, some of whom had tiny babies and were a bit nervous of being around us.  They were so cute.

We've been to Lymington to see the market and have breakfast in the pub, and Mum made us pancakes on pancake day.  I've given up chocolate for lent and am doing well so far!

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