Sunday 22 March 2020

A 3-Job Week

Matt is settling into his quarantine now, and was able to pop out to see his friend for a couple of beers.  Life seems to be starting to get back to normal in Shanghai.  

For me, this week has been very hectic!  I was working 3 different jobs this week - very early in the morning doing Skype lessons with my students in Shanghai, then a full day at my new school doing cover teaching assistant work, then my actual UK job of after shcool club from 3-6 every day.  I was doing nearly 12 hour days and even had another e-lesson when I got home at 7pm on Friday.  My school has now closed, so I won't be doing cover next week.  The after school club will continue as normal though, so i'll just be doing my morning e-lessons and the after school club.  I think I can cope with that.  Very busy! I was too tired to do much in the evenings last week.  

England is now in a semi-lock down state, where people are being advised only to go out when necessary.  That does include walking the dog, so we are still getting exercise, going to the forest to walk and avoiding people as much as we can.  It was a beautiful, bright sunny day today, so being outside was lovely.  Mum and Dad have spent the afternoon in the garden. I've spent some time clearing out the garage of some of the stuff I left there when we moved to Germany. There is so much of it!!! I had to stop once I saw a spider though.  It was fairly satisfying throwing out a bag of stuff though, I must admit!  I've just been doing odd jobs really, clearing out the garage and sorting some paperwork out for buying the house, that sort of thing. Nothing much exciting.  I've made a timetable to keep me occupied during the semi-isolation.  I don't want to get bored!  Plenty to do currently.  Now, i'm just waiting for Matt and the kitties to come home in two weeks time.  It can't come soon enough!

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