Sunday 8 September 2019

The Urban Planning Museum

The week didn't start off great, with me being off sick with a nasty stomach bug, but it's definitely improved since then.  I was back to normal by Tuesday, and in work ready to get things done.  There have been a couple of lovely parent meetings this week with current and past parents saying how much their children love/miss my classes, which is always wonderful to hear.  We also now have consistent, strong strategies in place for dealing with the tricky boy, which I think is really going to help.  All in all, as you can hear, i'm feeling quite positive about school.

Matt's had a busy week, with lots of meetings.  He seems to be unusually busy at the moment, but he's very good at leaving work at school, so our weekend has at least been our own.

I had craft club on Wednesday evening, which was fun, apart from my taxi driver groping my leg and trying to drag me towards him for a kiss, as I was getting out of the taxi.  Nasty.  I always sit in the back of the taxi, which was a good move here, and the taxi app now records all taxi rides, so when you complain about a driver they ask if they can listen to your recording.  I doubt there was much to hear, but I complained anyway.  I never felt in any danger, and it didn't even upset me that much, it was more a 'yuck' kind of feeling that I had for the rest of the evening.  Still, we had prosecco, which was fun, and a new member to the group, who works at a different school, so that was nice too.

Matt went out for a curry with his friends on Thursday, which he enjoyed.  On Friday, Matt and I went to Latina, which is a Brazillian BBQ restaurant, where they come around with meat on sticks and cut off pieces for you.  This is where my weekend-long bad food choices began.  I ate so much meat on Friday night that I felt pretty yucky when we left. I mean, don't get me wrong, it was delicious, but I'm not really a huge meat eater, and it's hard to keep track of how much you're eating, when they just come around and cut off a small slither of perfectly cooked pork, beef or lamb for you.  Those tiny slithers mount up very quickly!

On Saturday, we decided to go out for the day (i'm loving this going out for the day thing - so much nicer than sitting at home all day, especially now it's stopped raining, yet the weather is still lovely and warm).  The Urban Planning Museum is not the most exciting sounding place on the planet... and you'd be absolutely right to think that.    It did have one thing we really wanted to see though; a huge model of Shanghai that covers an entire floor of the museum.  It was definitely worth the £3 each entry fee, despite the other 4 floors of the museum just being propaganda for how awesome China is.

After the museum, we headed to Tacolicious (definitely NOT a bad food choice - this was an excellent choice), which is a small independent restaurant in Puxi.  It serves delicious, spicy ginger beer and you can choose two tacos with different fillings - Matt went for fried fish, then grilled fish, I went for shrimp, then black bean - delicious.  They were in hard tacos, then soft tacos, so they could be jam-packed full of filling.  So tasty!!!

Then we headed home for cat snuggles and to watch Space Cowboys, which was a surprisingly amusing movie starring Clint Eastwood and Tommy Lee Jones - Dad would like it.  It's like a mix between Wild Hogs and Apollo 13, if you can imagine such a thing!

Today is Snowball and Sooty's 2 year adoptiversary. I can't believe we've had them for two whole years! They were so tiny and cute when we got them, and now they are big and fat, but still cute.

This morning was a gym, followed by donuts (as you do) morning.  I have discovered pod casts, about a decade after everyone else.  So now, instead of listening to the Couch to 5K music while I run, I listen to podcasts on photography, and my favourite at the moment is Life by Amy and Jordan.  Amy and Jordan are the couple who run the photography business course i'm taking online, and they have started doing podcasts recently about spending money, and saving time and multitasking. It's not about photography, just tips for living your best life.  They are great, and make so much sense. I would definitely recommend them... if you can get past their Arizona accents, and the fact that they say 'on accident' instead of 'by accident'.

1 comment:

  1. That is a huge model of Shanghai! Happy adoptiversary to the kitties! Xx
