Saturday 21 September 2019

Becky's Birthday and Cat Trouble

It's Becky's birthday today, but since she was covering in the office this week, we got some cake and Starbucks coffees to celebrate on Wednesday.  She was very surprised!  It's been a bit of an odd week in the office because out of the 9 of us 3 were out all week on the year 6 residential, and another 4 were out all day on Thursday for the year 4 trip.  With Becky and Sylvia covering for 2 days each, it felt like a very disjointed week.  But it was wonderful having both Becky and Sylvia in the office again. We do miss them!

I, myself, got to cover Joanna's year 5 classes this week, which I actually loved because they are my class from last year.  I grew very attached to them by the end of last year, and so it was wonderful to see them again.

The year 4 day trip on Thursday was really fun, but really hard work!  I had a group of 8 (mostly) lovely students, and we went around Century Park (which is enormous by the way) to 17 out of 20 parent volunteer run stations, where there was a different activity at each.  It was called 'The Great Race' and activities included puzzles, ball games, skipping rope challenges, a parachute activity - all sorts of things!  It was roasting hot and we barely sat down all day except for 30 minutes at lunch.  One friend did 15,000 steps - I don't have a counter, but i'm going with that too!  The aim was to absolutely knacker-out the students, since Thursday was also their residential, where they slept in tents on the school field.  Thank goodness I didn't have to do that!  I had to go home and nap after school because being tired is such a bad thing for me now - it seems to be the trigger of my epilepsy, but a good sleep always sorts me out.  Anyway, the day was really fun, and the students all enjoyed themselves very much!

On Tuesday, the fluffies took their first step to becoming British Citizens, which was to go to the official vets on the other side of the city and have their rabies jabs and their microchips implanted.  They also received their official travel crates.  They were not happy about the situation at all, espcially Snowball, who hid behind the curtain in our bedroom for the next 24 hours, refusing to eat.  Sooty actually recovered fairly quickly and was purring at me by the time I got home from school.  Sooty is naturally suspicious, so maybe it wasn't quite such a shock.  Snowball is very trusting,so probably felt the betrayal more.  I feel like a very bad cat mummy.

They seem to be fine now, and are getting used to the crates.  They were even playing in one yesterday, so hopefully they will be OK.  They will have to go on another day trip to have their blood work done in January, and then soon after it will be time for 'The Big Move'!

This weekend has been quite a chilled one for me.  We popped into a friend from work's baby's first birthday party on Saturday, but otherwise I've not done much other than watch the rugby.

Matt has had a very busy week at school and out.  He has had a million meetings during all his breaks, and then was out on Tuesday evening for hotpot with the senior school management team, out on Wednesday night for Adam's birthday curry, and out on Friday for his football social.  Today he is playing/watching his team play football.  He hurt his toe on Friday, and has possibly broken one, so he was going to see how he felt.  On Thursday, we also met out new cat sitter for when we go to Japan, so it's been very busy!

This afternoon will be a bagel at Lean for lunch and then a whole evening of sporting TV!


  1. A whole evening of sporting tv....oh what joy! Glad snowball has forgiven you and the boys art ok, including Matt!

  2. Great post, and great website. Thanks for the information! cool cat carriers
