Sunday 16 June 2019

Fruit, Football and Photos

 It was an interesting start to the week, what with me having a seizure on Tuesday evening.  Luckily, I was at home with Matt right next to me, so it wasn't too bad. I didn't even have to go to hospital afterwards, which made a nice change.  It set me back for a good few days though.  Matt and I were both off on Wednesday and Thursday and were back into school on Friday for a quiet day.  Matt was having an admin week anyway because all of the senior school students and teachers were off on Challenge Week.  Matt didn't go, specifically so he could keep an eye on me, so it's lucky the school were OK with it!

Friday was World Book Day in the Junior School, and everyone was in fancy dress.  My office went as characters from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  I was Violet Beauregarde, in her blueberry form.  Good job I had got my costume finished on Monday!

The weekend was a bit of a strange one, with lots of little bits and bobs going on.  We were still a bit thrown by the seizure on Tuesday, so didn't really know what to do with ourselves on Saturday.  We ended up going for a walk and having a drink in the bar next to where we live.  It's our local and so we ran into several different groups of friends, who we ended up having a drink and a chat with.  It was nice and really cheered us up.  I also got my hair cut in time for the holidays.  There was a school social on Saturday evening, but we decided that a trip over to Puxi was just too much after the week we'd had!

Here are the guardians of the bathroom, who were also rather unsettled by Tuesday.  They seem to have recovered now though.

Matt popped out for a couple of hours on Thursday night to our friend, who was home alone with his 1 year old for the week.  They had a BBQ and Babysit evening.  Tizzy loves Matt, so they were both quite happy.

Yesterday, I was out in the morning doing a photo shoot for my office colleague Joanna and her husband and two daughters.  They are such a cute little family, and the girls are so adorable, so it was a very happy hour spent at Century Park.  I'm editing the photos now, but i'll post the finished ones soon.

Yesterday evening, Matt went along to watch the final day of his football team's season.  He hasn't been able to play for several months because of his broken wrist, but since he is taking over the management of the team next season, he went along to show his support.  The team won the day and so got a trophy and were also presented with their trophy that Matt did help win from earlier on in the season.  We then all went to Hooked, their sponsor restaurant in Puxi for delicious fish 'n' chips.  The team were all really nice, and I enjoyed my evening out.

Now, it's our final week of school!  On Friday we will be heading to the airport for a 1am flight.  We've just found out that we will be sat next to Gary, Helen and baby Tizzy on the flight, so Matt's babysitting skills might come into play sooner than expected again!

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