Sunday 9 June 2019

Bull and Claw Brunch

It is the Dragon Boat festival this weekend in Shanghai, so the whole country had Friday off work, whooo!  Love a long weekend - especially two weeks before the end of term, when everyone is dropping like flies because they are so exhausted.  Matt and I are hanging on OK though.  Looking forward to our summer holiday.

On Friday, we had a lazy day, going to the gym and playing with the cats.  In the late afternoon, I had a photo shoot with my friend from work, her husband and their son.  I'm still editing the photos but will show you some when they are finished.  Matt and I met up for a salad at the Blue Frog afterwards (amazing white sangria) and then Matt went off to meet his friend in a pub to watch the tennis and I headed home to watch Downton Abbey.

On Saturday, we had brunch at the Bull and Claw with a mix of friends from different groups.  It was lovely, and nice for those who can drink, to relax on a Saturday that felt like a Sunday!

Today, we are just relaxing again, editing photos, and playing with the cats.  We are both doing the Couch to 5K running app, so we went to the gym.  We also went to the fake market to get my bridesmaid dress taken up, and my watch fixed.  Little jobs that have been on our list for months!

Only two more weeks of school left to go now.  Matt isn't going on Challenge Week, so he will have a week of admin and odd jobs, while the rest of the senior school are out on school trips.  My lessons will start to get disrupted this week with assemblies, etc. Then we will stop our lessons all together in the last week, and spend the last few days packing up our office for painting during the holidays.  Busy busy busy!

1 comment:

  1. Nice to have brunch with your friends! I didn't realise you liked downton abbey! I've the entire set if you want to catch any while in the uk!
