Saturday 14 July 2018

Waldorf Astoria and Disney

The week started out with good news, although we had to wait at the hospital for a total of 4 hours for that news! Nightmare!  Anyway, the shadows on my brain have reduced by 70%, which is huge!  The head neurologist thinks they will be totally gone in 3 months when I have my next MRI, so all good.  The head neurologist was in emergency surgery, which is why we had the first 2 hour wait.  The trouble was that the nurses didn't just say, come back in 2 hours; it was half an hour delay, then an hour, then 10 minutes, then 10 minutes.  We went to starbucks for a drink, but ended up just sitting for ages in the hospital waiting room.  Two English girls on their holidays came in, and one had an xray, cast put on her foot, crutches lessons, and me taking photos of them on her phone while she was slightly delirious from pain medication, and we were still not called in!!!  Then, the neurologist couldn't come down to see us as he was in a 'clean room' environment, so we went up to him (us, 2 nurses and one of the doctors who treated me while I was an in-patient).  Apparently the neurologist didn't know that we were having a consultation, and hadn't yet looked at the MRI, so we just waited in the corridor for him to look at them, then, since they couldn't find a room for us, we had our consultation in the middle of the corridor, with all of the patients' families watching us.  Good job it was good news!  What an absolute nightmare.  Then back downstairs to speak to the doctor, and get my medication sorted out.  I needed 3 months worth of 5 different pills. I'm now permanently off 2 of them, so only 14 tablets a day now.  The photo of my bag of drugs is below. It's A LOT of drugs.  We had to pay £90, which is 20%, so i'm glad our insurance covers 80%, since I may be on some of these for a while.  So, good news anyway.

We celebrated by heading to the Bund for our second Shanghai mini-break at the Waldorf Astoria.  The night there was won as a prize by our friends who decided we needed it more than them, which was amazing of them.  It's a 5* hotel, but that really doesn't do it justice.  It's right on the river, next door to all of the fabulously 50s and 60s style buildings, and is just elegance itself.  The poshest hotel we have ever stayed in, and THE VIEW!!! Just wow.

We went for a dip in the pool when we arrived, and then headed out to The Fellas, which is a lovely Italian restaurant, with an incredible view... or at least it would be, if the view from our hotel room wasn't 10x better!

We had a lovely time at the hotel, and a well needed rest, especially after the emotional turmoil of our hospital visit!

On Wednesday, we went to Disneyland to use our season passes one last time before they expire.  We definitely got our moneys worth on them!  We did all of the rides that we haven't done before, or that we have only done once because the queues are normally 3+ hours (the rapids, where I got absolutely soaked, jet packs, honey pot spin, slinky dog spin, carousel), and ended up in the cheesecake factory (of course) at about 3pm.  For the first time ever, we made it off of the starters menu.  We normally order a few starters which are huge, but this time went for burgers.  Mine had a mac'n'cheese ball on top of it.  Ridiculous, but delicious!

The last couple of days have just been about relaxing at home and going for a few breakfasts at Wagas over the road.  We haven't done much at all, but are enjoying our summer holiday.  It's very very hot in Shanghai, so it makes you really tired all the time!  The cats are asleep most of the time.  Oh, I nearly forgot, Sooty gave us quite a scare the day we got back from the hotel, when we saw that he had eaten about 12 inches of string!!! Queue a worried 3 days of watching him like a hawk until it passed, but i'm happy to say that he is fine and is currently purring around my ankles as usual.  Snowball is asleep on the table next to the laptop. Lazy things!

Someone is coming in from an agency to feed them next week as we are off on our river cruise.  Can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. That hotel looks lovely, what kind friends you have! Food looks delicious and I'm glad you had fun at Disney. Enjoy your mini cruise. Xx
