Sunday 17 June 2018

The Oriental Pearl Tower

... and many other things, the title should be.  Once again, it feels like a lifetime of things has happened since my last blog post.  

I have now been out of hospital for a week (yay!) and am on ALL of the medication!  28 pills per day to be precise, which is a lot, a lot a lot!  The photos on this post are in a bit of a random order, but if you look towards the end there is a photo of the pill dispensers that I had to buy to keep track of everything.  Being on pills does mean that I don't have to worry about having more seizures at the moment, which is great.  I'm also on steroids though, which are making me famished all the time.  Actually, it's less hungry than just never full.  I can eat a gigantic meal and still feel exactly the same as before I started eating.  Frustrating, to say the least.  Hopefully i'm not going to put on lots of weight!  I am trying hard, and managing quite well, except for last night when Matt got home from watching the world cup and found me with my head in the fridge having a raid.  I'm trying to eat nuts and fruit rather than chocolate, but sometimes chocolate is just what you need!

I had a doctors appointment on Monday after being discharged from hospital last Sunday, just so that I could meet the second opinion neurologist.  She seemed to be of the same opinion as the other one so that's good.  I'm back in tomorrow for the rest of my blood and spinal fluid results, so hopefully we will get some answers tomorrow!  It would be nice, as it is slightly worrying not knowing what's going on with me.

Matt returned to work for the final week of school before the summer holidays.  His last day was Friday, so we are now both free for 7 whole weeks.  We had to cancel our holiday to America as i'm not allowed to fly yet, which was upsetting, but OK really.  We're planning some trips in and around Shanghai and the surrounding area, so we have some things to look forward to.

Mum being here is wonderful.  She is really looking after both of us, which is just what we need right now.  I'm getting stronger every day and we have even been able to do some sightseeing and trips out.  It started with just very short trips to the supermarket, and we progressively got longer and further away - getting our nails done in a lovely salon near school, which was so relaxing!  Yesterday, we went up the Oriental Peal Tower!

I know I did it a few weeks ago with Matt and Luke, but looking back, I was really quite unwell then and was about to go back into hospital, so I enjoyed myself much more this time.  Plus the weather was much much better!  I even went on the glass floor, which I wasn't brave enough to do last time!

There is a mini coke museum in the tower, which was fun, and we went into the Shanghai History Museum, which is such a good museum.  This time round there were people pretending to be statues and moving every now and again when someone got too close. It was really funny, and made you question even the most fake looking statues!

I know I showed the shoes in the museum last time, but they are just so fabulous.  It's actually an opera costume display and I paid more attention to the rest of it this time.  There were some fabulously embroidered outfits and hats too.

Random photos of my hospital flowers from my office, and all of my drugs!

Plus a few of the cats being cute!

Mum and I on one of our food excursions, and in a shop called ELand, which is hilarious 'English style'.

Having our nails done (in very similar colours it turned out), then treating ourselves to coffee and cake before posing with the cats, which really set off the orange of my nails! haha!  I may have gone slightly stir crazy by this point.

I know they are in the wrong order, but here are a few more from the Pearl Tower, including us having our Yang's Dumplings lunch. Yum! My favourite!

Tomorrow, I am back at the doctors, so keep all of your fingers and toes crossed for my results!

1 comment:

  1. We were definitely braver walking on that glass floor, it is actually very disconcert!
