Friday 8 June 2018

Founder's Day, Photos, Brunch, The Pearl Tower and Hospital (again)

It's been a very busy couple of weeks.  In my last post I was just getting out of hospital after my seizure and breaking my nose.  I then had a full week off from school, where I crocheted a baby blanket for a friends new baby, just to give myself something to do.  I had a visit from some girlfriends at work, which was lovely.  They brought me flowers and the presents in the photo below, which was so sweet, and they really cheered me up.

I bought a new cat tree for the boys, which Snowball seems to love.  Sooty has spent more time in the box it came in! Typical boys!

I think this may be my favourite photo ever of Snowball.  He was caught trying to eat my flowers, which have had to live in the kitchen, because lots of flowers can be very poisonous for cats. This was his 'caught red-pawed' face.

This was how I found them one day. Sitting in the shower, in the dark just starting at the wall.  Such strange creatures!  It did make us laugh.

I then had a very tiring week back at work.  It was busy being the end of term anyway, and it took me ages to do anything at all because everyone wanted to see how I was and look at my nose!  On Friday, Matt and I went into Disney after work for a couple of hours.  We went on Pirates of the Caribbean and Tron - which only had a 30 minute queue - very good for Tron.  It was great fun.  We then met Andy and Becky, and Amy, Gibbo and the kids at the cheesecake factory.  This was our thank you present to Andy and Becky for being so wonderful while I was in hospital; looking after the cats, and cleaning up my puddle of blood, visiting me in hospital - they really were wonderful friends, so we took them out for dinner.  We had a table booked, but the restaurant had got the timings wrong so gave our table away. we had to sit at the bar for an hour, which would have been fine if we hadn't had 2 kiddies under 6 with us!  But the dinner was delicious and the company was fabulous.

This was me having just had my 2 stiches removed from my nose, which is almost back to normal, yay.  Having the stitches taken out was horrible, and I was a massive wimp though! woops.

Matt's brother Luke arrived the day I came out of hospital.  He went off to Tokyo while I was off at home, but we had 2 weekends with him, and unfortunately the weather was awful!  We took him to a few of our local restaurants, and we went up the Pearl Tower, which was fun in a futuristic kind of way, but we could barely see through the fog, in fact we couldn't see at all from the very top! There was a glass floor level too that just messed with my head too much!  There is an excellent immersive experience history museum, which was well worth the money to get into the tower.  I do love an immersive museum.

We also went to the Westin Brunch, which was fabulous as usual.  We had a great group, unfortunately most of the group are leaving school at the end of next week, but we have some great friends here, many of whom i'm sure we will stay in touch with.

While there having a fabulous time, I made a contact with the marketing manager, who was interested in giving away a photo shoot with Faye's Photos as a raffle prize.  He vetted my website, and must have liked what he saw because he wants to give the prize away regularly, and wants me to come in to take some marketing photos for the brunch one weekend.  I'm thrilled with this!

Then, of course my first week back wasn't a normal working week - it was our school's Founder's Day on Saturday, so we had a huge party on the field.  We had to work for half an hour, but I was just making sure kiddies got off a big inflatable slide safely, so it wasn't too taxing.  We got a couple of drinks vouchers for doing it, so not bad at all.  The school rented an enormous stage for the chamber choir and a full orchestra of students and teachers, and there was wonderful classical music. It really was incredible!  We had such a good time, and I took some lovely photos of my friends mini one, and a colleague.  There was also a dog show because it's the year of the dog, and Snickers, Andy and Becky's dog was entered. He came 3rd in prettiest face and 4th in 'pacing'.  ... out of 4. Haha!  I took some photos for our friends and for my new 'Pets' section on the website

Then, on Sunday disaster struck. I had another seizure at about 4pm in the kitchen.  Didn't hurt myself this time, and I came too a lot quicker.  Another ambulance was called, and I had another seizure when I got to hospital, so at least the doctors witnessed it.  I've now been in for a week, with no signs of leaving!  A million tests have been done, including alumbar puncture or spinal tap, where they stick a huge needle in my back to get some spinal fluid.  It was very traumatic as I could feel the whole thing!  I've also had a 24 hour EEG, which showed nothing, and an MRI which showed an inflammation of some blood vessels in my brain.  they are causing the seizures, but we're still not sure what caused them.  Anyway, i'm now on 10 straight days (i'm on day 2) of 4 different IVs per day, and i'm on a cocktail of pills (9 pills last night before bed! 9!!!)  We are still waiting for various test results to come back, but hopefully the inflammation will go down. We had to cancel our USA road trip since we were due to go next weekend, and i'm not allowed to fly for a month, but should still be able to go to Hong Kong when Matt's parents get here.  We were pretty upset at first, but there's not much we can do about it! Mum arrived yesterday and is here for a while, no return flight booked, so at least Matt can go back to work next week to finish off the year.  I'll have another MRI in a month and in 3 months to see if the inflammation has reduced.   At least I didn't break any bones this time.  It sucks majorly though, but all of our friends have been wonderful. We really are lucky to have such amazing people around us.

The insurance doesn't want to pay for me to be on IVs for the next 10 days, so I may well be discharged on oral IV medication, but the doctor doesn't want that since i've just yesterday started the anti epilepsy medication and they aren't sure of the dosage/side effects yet.  In good spirits though, and Mum being here is helping a lot.  It means that Matt can relax a bit from his PTSD!

1 comment:

  1. Poor you. But I must admit you look very fetching in a hair net!
