Friday 21 July 2017

Back to England

The last two weeks have absolutely flown by!  I know I say that every blog post!  Last week was our final week in Germany.  The week went by without a hitch, full of end of term jobs.  We did get stuck in a queue for several hours trying to de-register from Germany, something you have to do within a week of you leaving.  We ended up taking a whole day off of school to get it done because it was so awkward.  The last Thursday of term was our Movie Park trip for Primary.  I had a group of year 6s who wanted to go on all the big rides and were tall enough to do it.  I teamed up with a friends group who wanted the same and we had a really good day.  Their new ride 'Star Trek' was brilliant, a roller coaster that goes up vertically before letting you drop back down. Scary stuff!  It's an exhausting day but really good fun.  

We also had prize giving, when I had to get up on stage in front of all the kids and parents and present my group of 12 Lower School Buddies with their certificates.  I was so proud.

Friday was our final day at school, and the kids went home at 12.30.  We had some bubbly in the Primary Hall with everyone gathered around, and everyone who was leaving got their presents.  My friend Laura had been in charge of choosing mine, and blubbed her way through giving it to me in front of everyone.  I got a beautiful blue necklace that is very 'me'.  You can see it in the photo above, which is all of our leaving cards and Matt's presents.  I also got a 25 euro voucher from a parent, which was lovely, and very unexpected.  We then had a BBQ with all of the staff, which was fun, and everyone came to say goodbye to us.  Sad times.  I shall miss my friends very much, especially Sean.  He is planning a trip to China to see us though, which is wonderful.  

Tony picked us up from school, after driving all the way from England.  We went to Websters Brewery one last time for dinner, and my favourite Holsteiner Schnitzel, yum!  We were absolutely exhausted, as we are at the end of every term.  Matt and Tony went to Shanke for a last drink and I went home to finish off the last few bits of packing.  We managed to get everything in the car (shocker) and were ready to leave at 10.30am on saturday morning.  We headed out of Germany for the last time, and I did feel sad leaving our lovely flat.
Matt did most of the driving, through 5 different countries in 7 hours.  The euro tunnel was so easy.  It takes just 35 minutes!  We finally made it to Matt's parents house, and had our first proper curry in ages to celebrate.

On Sunday morning we left at 8am to travel to Mum and Dad's.  We made really good time and it only took us 2 and a half hours.  Sam and Amy were already there, and it was great to see them.  I headed off to the beach with them for a photoshoot for the website (photos to follow when I have had a chance to sort them out - there are some really nice ones). Meanwhile, Matt went for a coffee in the cafe with the dog.  When we got home people were already arriving for the BBQ.  It was fab weather and even fabber company.  It was great to see everyone, and have a good catch up.  Here are some piccies...

Matt went back to London on Wednesday, and I have been relaxing here, going on lovely walks, going for coffee, relaxing in the garden, and visiting the craft shop.  I'm knackared from the end of school and have been having early nights and late mornings, but it's been wonderful.  I'm off to London tomorrow for the Harris BBQ, and then it's not long until we're off to China - next Wednesday!!!

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