Sunday 9 July 2017

A Mix of Photos

These are just a mish mash of photos that people have sent me.  Matt finally gave me the photos from his phone so those are on here too.  The above is from my trip to Zurich!

This weekend we have been packing.  We move a week yesterday, so it's full steam ahead now on the packing front. At least I was packing.  This is what Matt was doing...

This is from Duis-burger (LOVE the pun) a burger place we went to a few weeks ago with a cinema trip.  We are going again tonight, and will probably have the same again, since the burgers are delicious!

Here are a few photos from Matt's trip to Dublin a couple of weeks ago.  Some were from a brewery.

A nice group photo from when Matt's family were visiting.  Our last trip to the ice cream place will be tomorrow after school *sob*

This was from Matt's poker night, when I went to Zurich.

And a couple from his morning trips to the pub to watch the Lions play rugby.

This was from the start of the Tour de France, which was in Dusseldorf last weekend.

My week was quite hard work.  It's always a busy time of year for me, but this week was just stupidly busy.  Wednesday was the year 2 barn dance, end of year party.  I pretty much set it up on my own, since the other TAs disappeared.  I did recruit some year 6s to help put up the gazebos, which was quite amusing.  These kids have really grown on me and they really make me laugh now.  I had 4 boys helping me, and when we picked up the gazebo to move it, I had one corner, and 3 boys took the other corners.  The 4th boy walked in the middle with his arms stretched out, and told me that he was 'using the force' to help. Haha!  When one of the boys dropped his corner, I told him that the force wasn't strong with him! 

I'll post a photo of the barn dance set up once I get one, but it looked great.  We had hay bales, a bouncy castle, a bucking bronco, photo booth, popcorn, candy floss and slushy machine and a BBQ.  The kids loved it!  I was absolutely exhausted!  But it wasn't over for me, because the year 6 formal ball was the next day, so I had another full day of set up.  This was at least inside the hall, so I could just crack on with it and not worry about the kids seeing any of it.  It's all balloons, and cocktails and a photobooth and Karaoke corner, (which the boys loved!).  They have a great buffet too.  It was such a good party.

On Friday, I told my boss that I wasn't going to be doing very much and he said, fair enough, so I spent the afternoon pottering about doing little jobs, and generally chit chatting with people.  Knackared!

On Friday night it was our last ever Friday Night Enzos, which is the bar around the corner from school.  We said goodbye to Enzo and he gave us some free shots.  Matt went to the Year 13 prom, and then out to the casino, coming home at 1am with 100 euros! Then he was off out again at 8am to watch the rugby in Dusseldorf.  I pottered around packing, and today we have done lots of packing too.  We're off out to the cinema as a reward for all our packing!

Mum and Dad booked their flights to China today, which is mega exciting.  


  1. Very excited about china! Reading the guide book from cover to cover!

  2. I'm afraid I have only just caught up with your Blog which is very naughty of me but I would like to say the photos are amazing and it looks like you have had great fun, it really comes over in what you write and in the photos. Lots of luck in your next adventure.

    Love Aunty Ann & Uncle Trevor

