Sunday 30 July 2017

I Can't Belive We Live Here!

I have said this pretty much every hour, on the hour since we arrived.  I love it here.  It's a vibrant, exciting, bustling, wonderful place full of absolute nutters.  Today I saw a man walking along the road with a bucket containing a live fish in water.  He was just strolling along, not a care in the world.  Crazy.

Anyway, our first weekend here, or day 3 and 4 (is that it!!!) have been very nice.  Of course, we were up with the dawn again.  Matt got up to potter on Saturday morning and I managed to doze for a while.  We decided on a fairly lazy day in an effort to get rid of the jet lag, but i'm not sure that was the way to go.  I ended up only being awake for 3 hours, before needing a nap!  We went to the Life Hub shopping centre for a wander around.  There is a shop called E Land, which is all things English.  It has a cafe attached that does afternoon teas!  We got an ice tea in a cafe called Wagas that had been recommended to us (quite expensive.  £4 for a juice), then wandered down the road to see what was in the opposite direction of the interesting street with lots of local shops (not much), and back to the Life Hub to the Beer Factory for a Mojito, and what Matt describes as an 'odd tasting beer'.  I guess he will get used to it!  The Life Hub was very busy in the evening, and is lovely. All of the water features light up and there are fairy lights everywhere.We were so tired, we just got a couple of steamed buns from our local shop and went home for a TV night.

On Sunday we decided to change tactics.  We need to power through.  We're not going to get used to the heat if we stay in air con all the time, and we're not going to get over our jet lag if we don't get out and about.  This was a good move, as it's Sunday evening here now and I feel much better than I have so far (I did still have a nap though).

We were awake at 4 again, so decided to just get up and were headed for the metro by 7am.  The trains are big, air conditioned, and quite easy to use.  They have countdowns to train arrivals that are accurate to the second.  In the underground tunnels, there are digital adverts running along the inside of the tunnel.  They must be a mile long, as you can see the advert for ages between stops.  Apparently you can buy an Oyster card sort of ticket, but we weren't sure how, so just got singles (40p each, for each way).  We got to a stop closest to the Bund, and Matt got a pancake thingy with an egg fried into it and a sausage for breakfast (I had fruit at home.  Won't make the mistake of going without breakfast again any time soon!), and we had a 15 minute walk to the river front.  It was 30 degrees by 7.30am.  In the shade it's actually bearable, and there was some cloud cover today, but in the sun it is unbearable.  We were drenched in sweat within about 3 minutes.  The summer is not a good time to visit Shanghai, we have decided!

The bund is a historically famous strip of buildings along the river.  It has a wide promenade that offers incredible views of the business district of Pudong (the district we live in, but it's huge, about 30 minutes from our flat on the metro).  The bund has lots of banks and historic hotels and is a feast for the eyes.  The historic beauty on one side of us, and across the river, the shiny glass sky scrapers.

The building with the pink balls is the Oriental Pearl TV Tower.  The one that looks like a bottle opener is the Shanghai World Financial Center.  It's in the top 10 of the world's tallest buildings - i've just checked, it's number 6, 432 m high. The very tall twisty one is the Shanghai Tower, which is the second tallest building in the world, beaten only by the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. The Shanghai Tower is 632 meters high!

We didn't walk along the promenade the whole time because it was just too hot.  There is a walkway slightly lower that gives some shade.  It's wall is made up of thousands of potted plants, which were getting a haircut today.

We decided to do as the locals do and get the 20p ferry across the river.  The air con was nice too!  It took about 5 minutes.  Then we sat on a terrace outside Starbucks with a (surprisingly cheap) ice tea and watched the boats on the river.

Our view from Starbucks!

We wandered up to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower to have a look. It's huge up close, so I can't even imagine how big the other buildings are!  There was a huge queue to get in as this was now about 11 o'clock.  I think the key is to go early.

Nearby there is a designer shopping centre, which we had a wander around, before heading to the food court for ... you guessed it, my new obsession.  Dumplings.  They are just so tasty!

There was a supermarket in the shopping centre, so we got a few staples to keep us going.  We had a huge order of things arrive from an online delivery place yesterday, so we are fairly well kitted out with towels, kettle, knives, bins, washing up stuff, that sort of thing.  We have a few more bits coming tomorrow, and the coat hangers we ordered are minuscule, so we will still do the school trip to IKEA I think.  But for now, we're having a chilled evening, before Matt has to go to the airport tomorrow to pick someone up at 6.45am.

Two posts today, so make sure you look below...

London to Shanghai

Well, we finally made it to Shanghai!  I feel like we have been here for a week, yet we only arrived yesterday.  I seem to have spent most of my time in a jetlagged daze, wide-eyed, not knowing what to look at first!

But before I get into that, we had a few more days in England after my last post. I went for a fabulous cream team (above) with Mum and Dad in Christchurch.  The Harris family BBQ was good fun as always, despite it being the first year we have had rain.  Matt went to the cinema with his Mum on Monday morning to see Dunkirk.  I didn't fancy it, so I headed into London for a catch up with the lovely Louise. Matt did all of his packing on Monday, and I was already done, so Tuesday was aa bit of a non-day, just waiting around to go.

Tuesday evening, we did go out for a last Harris family meal, to a fab Portuguese restaurant.  It was delicious, and they even had Sangria!

Matt went off to his cousin Katharine's graduation from Oxford, while I was still in Hampshire...

Then it was finally moving day (again!).  We headed to the airport early to try to blag an upgrade because it was our 3 year wedding anniversary, but BA apparently don't do upgrades for that reason anymore.  Still, we were in Premium Economy, which is well worth the extra couple of hundred.  The seats are bigger, loads of leg room, attentive service, real plates and cutlery, and a glass of bubbly on arrival.  Fab.

The flight was actually quite pleasant, because we had so much space. The flight was fairly empty too, so we had a spare seat next to us for extra room.  I watched the new Beauty and the Beast film, as well as Logan, both of which I had been hoping would be on the entertainment.  The flight was 10 and a half hours, and we managed to sleep for just 2 of those hours.  We had a nap and then both woke up at the same time, so decided to drink some wine and whiskey instead of sleeping!

When we arrived, passport control was really easy, and we got our bags straight away.  Baggage claim also had a desk where you could buy sim cards, so we got set up with pay as you go Chinese sims straight away.  The Head of Secondary was waiting for us through customs, which was lovely.  She had the school mini bus and kept us company on the drive to our new flat.  No idea how far we were from the airport, I was too busy looking out the window and chatting, but I think abut 45 minutes.  Our flat is in a gated community, but it doesn't really feel like one.  There are a mix of nationalities there including Chinese.  Lots of people use them like serviced holiday homes, so you get a service similar to a hotel.  The reception staff were very nice, and spoke fairly good English.  They sort out registering with the police which you have to do within a few days of arriving, and we signed our contract for the flat.  The flat itself is gorgeous, and surrounded by trees and water fountains.  We are in building 13, but it's not unlucky here.  Number 4 is considered unlucky, while 8 is very lucky indeed.  The next hour was a whirlwind of information and new faces, as people from school came to check the flat and our IKEA box.  People from the building came to talk us through the furniture and to read the meters.  We had a lovely welcome package from the school waiting for us, which included flowers, a huge box of fresh fruit, and a box with tissues, coffee, sugar, paper cups, and 30 small bottles of water.

The air con is incredible, as it is ridiculously hot here.  We went out in the afternoon and the temperature on our phones said 37 degrees, real feel 46!!!  REAL FEEL 46!!!!!  That is insane.  We didn't venture very far in the afternoon, just to the Life Hub, which is a shopping center opposite Green Court Place (our community).  We stuck to the areas that were air conditioned mostly, and had our first meal, as always when in a different country and needing a bit of familiarity... McDonald's.  Familiar, yes, but there are some seriously odd things you can get on the menu.  We stuck to the traditional cheese burger.  The Life Hub is full of fountains and fairy lights, and is very nice.  They even have Clarks and C&A!

In the evening, we had been invited to the Irish pub by Matt's new Senior Leadership Team colleagues, and had said maybe, but decided to go in order to keep us awake a bit longer.  The two we met were very nice.  A bit older than us, both with families - kids starting at our school, and other halves working in Primary.  They were both very friendly and easy to chat to.  The Head of Secondary turned up later too, and got us some fried snacks from the bar to keep us awake.  I had a Magners cider (since we were in an Irish pub!).  We didn't have too late a night, but I was really glad we went.  We were buzzing on the walk home from meeting new people, and feeling already like we love the city and our new flat.  The walk to the pub (it is on the way to school), was lots of tiny local shops, wet markets (fruit and veg places), nail bars, pubs, restaurants, hairdressers, all sorts.  A feast for the senses.  I can't work out what to look at first!

Matt got some noodles on the way home, and was very pleased with his chopstick skills.

This was a steamed bun we had on the walk to the pub (it's very light, almost sweet fluffy bread-ish bun, filled with meat. yum.

We were awake at 4am, literally the crack of dawn.  We had to be at school at 7.30, as we were being driven to do our medicals, with one of the HR staff members (thank goodness she was there because it was all in Chinese!).  The mini bus took an hour in traffic, and we were feeling a bit unwell by the time we got there.  We had also had to fast from midnight, which would be OK if we weren't awake from 4am, starving hungry.  The medical was a bizarre and (for me) stressful experience.  It's a very sterile experience, although the nurse at the end was so kind to me, the whole thing was redeemed slightly.  It's a corridor with a series of rooms down it, and chairs to sit on outside while you wait.  The first room is lockers and changing rooms that you strip off in and get into a gown that barely covers anything, and pub shoe covers over your feet.  Then you go from room to room just saying hello to the doctor there, doing the procedure and being told the next room.  We had an ECG, ultrasound, chest x-ray, eye test, our hearts listened to, asked if we had ever had an operation, asked if I was pregnant, all in a different room for each.  I was behind a nice English man there on business, who I chatted to in the queues.  The last room was a blood test, and I had a bit of a wobble, as I sometimes do, being very frightened of needles.  The nurse was so nice to me.  We were finished at 10, then had to get back into the bus for an hour back to school.  The HR lady who had taken us, said she would take us to the food court in the supermarket for amazing dumplings, but by the time I got off the bus at 11, the combination of fasting, extreme heat, seriously bad jet lag, car sickness and the adrenaline rush, then low from the needle, I was ready to faint.  I don't actually remember getting from the car to the food place, but a coke and a plate of dumplings was put in front of me, and slowly I began to feel better.  Matt said he knew something was wrong, when he pointed out a shop selling puppies and I ignored him!  We did go for a look later!

The dumplings, it turns out are absolutely incredible, and have gone straight into my top 5 all time favourite foods.  They are little parcels of pasta-ish, filled with meat and meat soup.  You bite a little hole in them, suck out the soup, then eat the rest, with chilli flakes. Yum yum yum!  Our chopstick skills could use a bit of work.  Some men in the queue were laughing at Matt because he kept dropping his!

We had time for a quick wander around the attached supermarket, which is crazy!  Live fish tanks, piles and piles of rice and lentils, bright adverts everywhere.  It was a bit overwhelming.  Matt had a meeting at school after that, so I asked reception to help me get a cab home.  The lady on reception was nice enough to come outside with me and tell the driver where to go.  I now have a card with our community address on it in Mandarin, so should be OK in the future.  I got diddled on the price, which was annoying, but I felt so unwell after my traumatic morning, I just wanted to get home, and didn't realise until later.  I went straight to bed for a nap, and only woke up when Matt got home a few hours later.  His meeting was about the next few days.  Because he is the only leadership team member living here, he has to meet the new staff arriving on Monday and Tuesday in reception to take them up to their flats.  He also has to lead everyone over to the Beer Factory in the Life Hub opposite for our social on Monday, and go to pick two people up from the airport.  They are putting him to work straight away.

Friday 21 July 2017

Back to England

The last two weeks have absolutely flown by!  I know I say that every blog post!  Last week was our final week in Germany.  The week went by without a hitch, full of end of term jobs.  We did get stuck in a queue for several hours trying to de-register from Germany, something you have to do within a week of you leaving.  We ended up taking a whole day off of school to get it done because it was so awkward.  The last Thursday of term was our Movie Park trip for Primary.  I had a group of year 6s who wanted to go on all the big rides and were tall enough to do it.  I teamed up with a friends group who wanted the same and we had a really good day.  Their new ride 'Star Trek' was brilliant, a roller coaster that goes up vertically before letting you drop back down. Scary stuff!  It's an exhausting day but really good fun.  

We also had prize giving, when I had to get up on stage in front of all the kids and parents and present my group of 12 Lower School Buddies with their certificates.  I was so proud.

Friday was our final day at school, and the kids went home at 12.30.  We had some bubbly in the Primary Hall with everyone gathered around, and everyone who was leaving got their presents.  My friend Laura had been in charge of choosing mine, and blubbed her way through giving it to me in front of everyone.  I got a beautiful blue necklace that is very 'me'.  You can see it in the photo above, which is all of our leaving cards and Matt's presents.  I also got a 25 euro voucher from a parent, which was lovely, and very unexpected.  We then had a BBQ with all of the staff, which was fun, and everyone came to say goodbye to us.  Sad times.  I shall miss my friends very much, especially Sean.  He is planning a trip to China to see us though, which is wonderful.  

Tony picked us up from school, after driving all the way from England.  We went to Websters Brewery one last time for dinner, and my favourite Holsteiner Schnitzel, yum!  We were absolutely exhausted, as we are at the end of every term.  Matt and Tony went to Shanke for a last drink and I went home to finish off the last few bits of packing.  We managed to get everything in the car (shocker) and were ready to leave at 10.30am on saturday morning.  We headed out of Germany for the last time, and I did feel sad leaving our lovely flat.
Matt did most of the driving, through 5 different countries in 7 hours.  The euro tunnel was so easy.  It takes just 35 minutes!  We finally made it to Matt's parents house, and had our first proper curry in ages to celebrate.

On Sunday morning we left at 8am to travel to Mum and Dad's.  We made really good time and it only took us 2 and a half hours.  Sam and Amy were already there, and it was great to see them.  I headed off to the beach with them for a photoshoot for the website (photos to follow when I have had a chance to sort them out - there are some really nice ones). Meanwhile, Matt went for a coffee in the cafe with the dog.  When we got home people were already arriving for the BBQ.  It was fab weather and even fabber company.  It was great to see everyone, and have a good catch up.  Here are some piccies...

Matt went back to London on Wednesday, and I have been relaxing here, going on lovely walks, going for coffee, relaxing in the garden, and visiting the craft shop.  I'm knackared from the end of school and have been having early nights and late mornings, but it's been wonderful.  I'm off to London tomorrow for the Harris BBQ, and then it's not long until we're off to China - next Wednesday!!!

Sunday 9 July 2017

A Mix of Photos

These are just a mish mash of photos that people have sent me.  Matt finally gave me the photos from his phone so those are on here too.  The above is from my trip to Zurich!

This weekend we have been packing.  We move a week yesterday, so it's full steam ahead now on the packing front. At least I was packing.  This is what Matt was doing...

This is from Duis-burger (LOVE the pun) a burger place we went to a few weeks ago with a cinema trip.  We are going again tonight, and will probably have the same again, since the burgers are delicious!

Here are a few photos from Matt's trip to Dublin a couple of weeks ago.  Some were from a brewery.

A nice group photo from when Matt's family were visiting.  Our last trip to the ice cream place will be tomorrow after school *sob*

This was from Matt's poker night, when I went to Zurich.

And a couple from his morning trips to the pub to watch the Lions play rugby.

This was from the start of the Tour de France, which was in Dusseldorf last weekend.

My week was quite hard work.  It's always a busy time of year for me, but this week was just stupidly busy.  Wednesday was the year 2 barn dance, end of year party.  I pretty much set it up on my own, since the other TAs disappeared.  I did recruit some year 6s to help put up the gazebos, which was quite amusing.  These kids have really grown on me and they really make me laugh now.  I had 4 boys helping me, and when we picked up the gazebo to move it, I had one corner, and 3 boys took the other corners.  The 4th boy walked in the middle with his arms stretched out, and told me that he was 'using the force' to help. Haha!  When one of the boys dropped his corner, I told him that the force wasn't strong with him! 

I'll post a photo of the barn dance set up once I get one, but it looked great.  We had hay bales, a bouncy castle, a bucking bronco, photo booth, popcorn, candy floss and slushy machine and a BBQ.  The kids loved it!  I was absolutely exhausted!  But it wasn't over for me, because the year 6 formal ball was the next day, so I had another full day of set up.  This was at least inside the hall, so I could just crack on with it and not worry about the kids seeing any of it.  It's all balloons, and cocktails and a photobooth and Karaoke corner, (which the boys loved!).  They have a great buffet too.  It was such a good party.

On Friday, I told my boss that I wasn't going to be doing very much and he said, fair enough, so I spent the afternoon pottering about doing little jobs, and generally chit chatting with people.  Knackared!

On Friday night it was our last ever Friday Night Enzos, which is the bar around the corner from school.  We said goodbye to Enzo and he gave us some free shots.  Matt went to the Year 13 prom, and then out to the casino, coming home at 1am with 100 euros! Then he was off out again at 8am to watch the rugby in Dusseldorf.  I pottered around packing, and today we have done lots of packing too.  We're off out to the cinema as a reward for all our packing!

Mum and Dad booked their flights to China today, which is mega exciting.