Sunday 11 June 2017

Harris Family Visit and Engagement Photoshoot

It feels like absolutely ages ago that I did the engagement photoshoot with my work pals Laura and rich at the Japanese Gardens in Dusseldorf!  The photos are at the bottom for you to look at.

Our great discovery of the week, when Matt's parents and brother were staying with us, was Linn Castle in Krefeld, which is very close to us; just a short train ride away.  You can go into several buildings, including the main castle, which is decorated as it would have been in the 14th century.  There were some lovely musical instruments dotted around, and this fabulous sewing machine (below).

There was also a wonderful textile museum, and a history museum, with lots of archaeology, and models, and suits of amour. very cool.  We had lunch in their little restaurant too.

You could walk up the tallest tower, for a great view of the surrounding greenery.  The castle was preparing for their medieval fair a few days after our visit, shame we missed it!

The rest of the week was nice too.  The boys watched the rugby on TV on Saturday morning, and I went out with Margaret for a walk around the park and a cake in the bakery down the road.

This was the luggage the 3 of them took home minus the first two suitcases, which they brought over, but we decided weren't big enough.  We managed to make a real dent in the moving stuff back to England plan.

This week has been busy but uneventful.  A short week is always for some reason extra busy.  I think you just try to get 5 days worth of work done in 4 days, or 3 days as it will be next week.  We are off to Bonn for a few days next week, so it's nice to have that to look forward to.

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