Monday 19 June 2017

Bonn, Phantasialand and Dusseldorf Horses

What a busy week, but such a good one too!  It was only a 3 day week at school, because it was a bank holiday here in Germany on Thursday and we got Friday as a bridge day.  Last minute we decided to go to Bonn for a couple of days.  It's only an hour and a half away, but is a lovely charming, and very quiet city worth exploring.

We decided to hire a car, and picked it up from the airport on Thursday morning.  We drove just a little past Bonn to Konigswinter for lunch, which is a very cute town on the Rhine.  We ate at a wonderful Greek restaurant, and had a stroll by the river, before driving to Bonn to check into our hotel and go out for dinner (pizza) and a few mojitos.

On Friday we went to Phantasialand, a theme park that was on our list of things to do before leaving Germany.  It did not disappoint! What a great theme park.  We had such a fun day, and it wasn't too busy.  The longest we had to wait was an hour, for the brand new roller coaster, which didn't have fast pass access.  It was fantastic!  The other rides we had a fast pass for, so got on everything within 3 minutes.  There are some really good rides there, including a log flume with the steepest drop in Europe, ghost train, runnaway train roller coaster, dangly leg roller coaster, and river rapid, which Matt got soaked on, and a spinning roller coaster that I loved (very unusual for me, I usually feel sick on spinners).  We saw a show with break dancers, BMX bikers and trampoline jumpers too which was really amazing.  They were bouncing and then walking up the side of the building.  Very cool.  We had such a fun day.

We were pretty exhausted on Friday evening, so we went to a German brewery for a schnitzel, then bed.  On Saturday, we had a wander around Bonn.  It is the home of Haribo (Hans Riber from Bonn - the first two letters of each makes the name Haribo), and we visited the shop there.  Bonn is also where Beethoven was born, so we went to visit his house too.

We got back at about 5pm on Saturday and were exhausted from our trip!

On Sunday, it was our leaving party!  We leave in 4 weeks, and thought it would be a great day out if we went to the Dusseldorf horse racing track.  We had a brilliant day in the sunshine (a bit too much sunshine probably!).  I won on one of my bets, and Matt won a couple. On the 1000 Guinneas race, which was the main event of the day, we decided to all chip in 5 euros and go on one horse.  As soon as I saw the program, I spotted a jockey jumper in claret and blue, and the jockey was from England too.  I knew it was fate.  He won the race!  So we each won 16 euros on our 5, and they played the English national anthem as he was awarded his trophy.  A nice end to a lovely day.

1 comment:

  1. You have had a busy time! Looks like fun though.
