Monday 5 December 2016

Christmas Party and Christmas Markets

Christmas has come to the Harris household!

Last week was very busy and tiring at work - lots of cover for me in nursery (not my favourite place to be).  Matt was busy playing football in the evenings, and may even get to play in a match this Sunday.  Fingers crossed!

On Friday night it was our work Christmas party.  Not many people signed up to go this year - it may have something to do with the alcohol not being free this year! - But the food was delicious and the company was great, considering it was pretty much Primary, and everyone in my friendship group!  We went for a few cocktails in Dusseldorf, near the restaurant after the meal, then decided to head home to Duisburg.  There were 4 of us heading home on the train, and we decided to stop off at a cocktail bar in Duisburg on the way for a few mojitos, which was fun.  It's just nicer when your around the corner from your house, rather than all the way in Dusseldorf with an hours journey to get home,  No dramas at the party this year, which makes a change!

On Saturday, we had a very lazy day.  I went to the shops for food but that was pretty much the extent of our day.  Matt watched all the sports fixtures that were on.
On Sunday we were slightly more energetic, heading to Dortmund Christmas markets.  The markets are huge, and really nice.  The centre piece is a gigantic tree which is made up of 500 little trees.  Pretty impressive.

Going to a different market was nice because it had different craft stalls and different food too.  We ate mini calzones (pizza brotchen) filled with salami and tuna, and some deep fried gouda cheese with pineapple and cranberry jam - so delicious!!!

There was plenty of gluhwien to be had too and a hot chocolate with banana liqueur in it - yum!


This was a gigantic advent calander, with each shipping container sponsored by a different shop or company...

We also put up our lovely little tree on Sunday.  Feeling very festive as we launch into our last two weeks of school before the Christmas break.


  1. What was behind the doors of the shipping container advent?

    1. I don't know, they didnt open it when we were there!

  2. Deep fried cheese is always a winner!
