Sunday 17 April 2016

First Week Back

The first week back is over and done with! Phew!  It was hard work, but not as bad as I thought it would be.  We've thrown ourselves back into our social lives, rather than rest up, which has helped.  I went out for dinner on Wednesday evening with some friends, then we both went over to our friends house on Friday for a games night (Linkee and Trivial Persuit - Linkee is the only game ever that i'm really good at!).  Matt met one of his friends for ice cream and a catch up on Saturday, and I went out in the evening to Dusseldorf for cocktails, which was really nice.  The place we went to was a bit pretentious.  The menu was in an old casette box.  But the staff were friendly and the drinks were tasty.

Today, we are just having a relaxing day.  I'm sorting out my photos, and they are on the blog now.  I've got them down from 4225, to 785.  I'll have another sort through of ones to show people, and ones for the photo album.  I love doing photo albums, so it's a nice project to keep me busy.  

At school, I only have one more week before I go on residential, so i've got lots to do.  Matt's preparations for his trip to Swaziland are in full swing too.  Mum and Dad are coming to visit next week, and I can't wait to see them!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you have settled back into work life. We've looked at your photos they look amazing, not sure I've got the stamina for 785......might have to do it over a couple of evenings rather than one! :0)!
