Wednesday 6 April 2016

Day 17 Miami Marlins Baseball

Today we had a very long sleep-in. Despite very loud trucks driving diwn our alleyway at 7.30, we managed to fall back to slerp and had a lazy morning. We went back to the diner for brunch, including strawberry, coconut and banana milkshakes. We both had omelettes with toast and potatoes, mine was a greek omelette and matts had chilli in it. Delicious.

We went for a walk, south along the beautiful beach after lunch, dipping our toes in the crystal clear water. We walked all the way to the end of thd south beach island, to a pier at tbe end, with wonderful views of the beach and ocean. Its a manatee viewing area, but unfortunately all we saw were schools of tiny fish, and some interesting long fish feasting on the tiny ones.

We stopped for a coke and ice cream (srrawberry, mango and macaroon flavour) on the way back, tben back to the hotel for a rest before heading out to the baseball this afternoon. I cant believe our time in Miami is nearly over already. Cant wait for the keys though!

The baseball was a lot of fun, despite beers being $14 each. Thats Miami though. I thought i would get bored but its such an easy game to understand, and the atmosphere was fun, the 4 hours it lasted for flew by. There are meant to be 9 turns at batting per team, but Americans dont do draws so we ended up with 11, Miami narrowly musding out on the win. They played awfully at first, so it was quite something to pull off a 7 - 7 draw. Then it all went wrong. It was nearly midnight when it finished!it was allvery patriotic. They even had jets fly over because it was the opening match of the season. The jet pilots came into the stadium later, and there was a gigantic American flag carried out by what must have been 100 people. The USA secretary for homeland security threw the first pitch, and a Miami police captain sung the national anthem. It was great. The UK could benefit from a bit more patriotism.

Matt bought a jersey with his name on it and i got a cap, to get in the spirit. Its like a proper event,with vendors selling things in the aisles, and greasy foid for sale. Because it was our first match, we got 'first Marlins match' badges and certificates. They even swap your printed tickets for actual ones after the game so you get a souvenir. I really got into it, and thoroughly enjoyed myself. We had a lovely first day on the job taxi driver on the way back, called Edwinwho used to live in Germany on an army base.

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