Saturday 19 September 2015

A surprise Present

I've been having a rubbish week, due to my awful new timetable and not feeling particularly well, so I was very much cheered up on Wednesday when Matt asked me to come to his office and presented me with a Kindle, just for no reason at all!  What a lovely husband I have!  I'd been wanting one for a while because of the new book group that has started at work, and it's so much easier now that I have one (even though this months book - Room by Emma Donoghue - isn't my sort of book at all).  I have a feeling that I'm going to be spending all of my money on downloading books now!

We had some friends over to watch the Rugby World Cup opening ceremony and the England vs Fiji match, which was fun.  Now Matt is sick again with cold/flu and i'm definitely not feeling very well either.  I'm at least alright enough to potter about the house; Matt is still asleep.  We're just going to have a nice relaxing weekend of not doing much at all, and hopefully next week will be a bit nicer for both of us.


  1. I really enjoyed Room when I read it a few years ago. Hope you guys are both feeling better soon! X

    1. Nothing happens in it!!! Apart from a small section in the middle. I like a bit more action.
      Thanks, we're getting worse if anything though.
      Hope the World Cup started well. x
