Sunday 21 June 2015


I have no photos at all to show for this week.  A boringly quiet week is exactly what I wanted in order to recover from three weekends in a row of guests, but I didn't actually get it.  Matt was off sick on Monday and Tuesday.  He had a nasty cough and possible chest infection.  He went to the doctors who told him that his resting pulse was very low.  So his week was full of doctors and cardiologist appointments.  Turns out his heart is very healthy, and he has a low pulse because his cardio exercise is amazing!  An incredibly stressful week for absolutely no reason at all.  I'm just so happy that everything is fine.
My week health-wise was OK.  I'm now on week 6 of the couch to 5K jogging challenge.  I am meant to do 3 runs per week with a days rest in between.  I have only managed to do 2 this week, so now my running days are all messed up.  It was very annoying on Friday when I was walking home and started getting hassled by a couple of men.   I had to tell them to get away from me, and they did, but unfortunately they went and sat in the park that I run in.  No way was I going running after that!
So a bit of a weird week really.  I had a slob around the house day yesterday, while Matt was off watching the tennis in Halle. It was the semi final and he got to see Federer play, so he had fun.  Today we're not doing much of anything, just getting ready for what will be a very busy week starting tomorrow - sports day, movie park trip with the whole of lower school, summer fair at school on Saturday and year 13 prom on Saturday evening!

1 comment:

  1. Do I need to send the heavy mob over? Glad Matt is ok!
