Saturday 27 June 2015

Movie Park and Summer Fair

This week has been so busy!  I feel like I start every blog post with exactly the same sentence recently!
There was lots of sickness in Lower School this week, so I was covering in Nursery, Little Dragons, and Year 6.  Lots of the Little Dragon staff had been off because the same bug was going around, which I of course caught while covering.  So I was off sick on Wednesday.  Back to being busy on Thursday, and then Friday was Movie Park day!  Whooooooo!
The whole of Lower School (years 3-6) go to a movie themed, theme park to celebrate the end of the school year.  The park is brilliant, and I had a great, small group of 5 year 5 students.  I teamed up with a friend who had 2 year 3 girls and 4 year 4 boys, so all together we had a really nice group.  Our group were in the 'wants to go on everything, and is tall enough to go on everything' group, so we ended up on roller coasters (AMAZING!), wet rides (with me being the only one to get drenched some how), twisty spinny ones (which I managed to avoid going on luckily), and the very high free fall drop that you can see in the two photos below.  It takes you up really slowly, then angles you out before free falling.  Wow, what an adrenaline rush. I was properly shaking from head to toe when I got off of that one.  I screamed the whole way down, and made a 9 year old girl hold my hand!  What a wimp!  Yet, roller coasters I have absolutely no problem with!
The children had a fantastic time, despite there being half an hour where we had a few green faces from too many spinny rides, and despite one trip to the medical tent for a seatbelt burn, oh yes and a few forgotten bags that we had to run all over the park finding... other than that, it was a great day.  We didn't get back to school until 6pm, so it was a long long day too.  and the next day was the Summer Fair!

We have to work two saturdays every year, and today was one of those days.  I was doing the morning shift, which means two hours of set up and two hours of manning a stall.  I was also a team leader, so I was in charge of getting 10 people organised, and setting up their stalls.  My stall was making bubbles.  We had lots of bubble mix, with food colouring in it, and the kids could fill up a test tube with bubble mix, put a cork in the top, add a pretty stamp or jem to the cork, then make a bubble wand out of a pipe cleaner, and voila! Bubbles!  The stall was really popular, so the time went super quick.

In the afternoon I stayed around after my shift for a couple of beers, and to watch Matt play in the teachers vs parents football match. The teachers won 4-1! Woop Woop!  It was fun to watch, and Matt played really well.  There was someone taking photos with a really big zoom on their camera, so I will put some more photos up of the match next week once I have those piccies.

Tomorrow is Sunday, and our only day off this week!  Next week is sure to be another busy one, what with sports day having been rescheduled for Monday, and prize givings taking place.  I can't believe there are only 2 more weeks of this school year!  And 3 weeks until we move house.  Yay!  There was another argument with our awful landlady this week, so I really can't wait to get out of here!  Tomorrow is definitely going to be a day of rest!

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