Thursday 27 November 2014

Christmas Markets

We're been having some internet problems this week, which are now thankfully sorted.  There is going to be a serious amount of Christmas market photos in the coming weeks, but before we start, here is one of Matt on International Children's Day.  Everyone at school came in their national dress, and some of the outfits were fantastic - so colourful and exotic.  We have over 40 different nationalities in the school, so it was quite a mix.  I was boring because I had a nasty cold last week, so all I did was wear a West Ham football shirt.  I spent most of my day telling the Year 6 boys that West Ham are a London team, and that yes, they are better than Manchester United! 

Anyway, Christmas hit Germany with full force last week, when all the Christmas markets opened.  We have only been to our local market in Duisburg so far, but have plans to visit some others soon.  Duisburg's market is great, and has a ferris wheel and an ice skating rink too.  The food stalls are amazing!  The picture of us above is with Flammkuchen, a pizza that is made with white sauce instead of tomato sauce.  There are lots of different types of Gluvine to try too - apple, blueberry, white, red...We have been to the market 3 times in a week already!  Sometimes we go after work, just for a drink and to soak up a little bit of atmosphere.  It's wonderful!

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, they look fantastic. I love the idea of popping in after work for a wind down drink!
