Sunday 9 November 2014

A Working Week

Yes it really is as boring as the blog title suggests.  My article is due in a week tomorrow, so i'm spending pretty much every second of the day when i'm at home working on it.  It's getting there, but very slowly, which is a bit frustrating.

Last night I did give myself a night off.  I went out for dinner with the girls in the bottom photo, for one of their birthdays.  We went to a tapas restaurant really far away from where I live. The food was nice, but tiny and very expensive, and the service was terrible.  I won't be going back there in a hurry, but at least the company was excellent.  My boss phoned me when I was on the tram on my way home and told me that he was in the casino with Matt and why didn't I join them.  I've never been to a casino before, but it was quite fun really.  I placed two bets and won both, so not bad at all.  Matt ended up winning 70 euros plus getting all the money he spent back.  He asked for it in a 100 euro bill, which was pretty cool - never seen one before.  I also saw a 500 euro bill for the first time tonight.  I didn't even realise the bills came that big!  Someone in the casino was changing TWO into chips!  Some people really have more money than sense!

The rest of the week has been quite hard work, what with writing my article every evening.  Lots of people have been off sick, so i've ended up covering lessons every day.  Monday was that year 5 Maths group, although they were all very well behaved, as I knew they would be.  I also covered year 3 and year 6, and the Little Dragons in the nursery again (not my favorite thing in the world).  Tuesday started off terribly, with one of the year 4s running over to tell me that there was a dead cat in the playground.  There was, and it gets even worse; it hadn't just died of old age or the cold, it had got its neck stuck in the football net and strangled itself to death.  There was blood all over it from where it had tried to bite its way free.  and quite a few kids saw it, including some year 3s that were really rather traumatized!  Not something I enjoyed dealing with, and hopefully not something I will ever have to deal with again!

Matt has had a good week.  He had parents evening on Thursday, and will have it again on Tuesday, which is quite tiring.  I will barely see him next week as on Wednesday i'm off to stay in a castle for two nights with the year 4s.  Should be fun, although I did feel rather scared about it after our meeting on what duties we will have.  5 adults suddenly doesn't sound like very many for 60 kids when your not in school!  Wish me luck!!!

1 comment:

  1. 100 euro note! Very nice! Sad about the cat, I think I would be upset about that to. Have fun in the schloss!
