Sunday 12 October 2014

Strictly Coleslaw

This week has been exhausting!  Everyone is really ready for half term!  Only 5 more days of work to get through before we get a whole week off, and we have some lovely visitors.
This week I started cycling to work.  Here is how it went:
Day 1: Knackered
Day 2: Really knackered, but 2 minutes faster
Day 3: Mega knackered/exhausted, but 2 minutes faster than day 2
Day 4: Pretty much asleep on my bike.  Everything hurts.  Possibly even slower than day 1
Day 5: Got the tram
Not bad all things considered!!!
Friday night at the pub after work felt very well deserved.

Last night was Strictly Coleslaw night.  A few girls from work came over to watch Strictly and one made amazing coleslaw.  We had pizzas and wine and then listened to 90s music.  A great night all round!  Matt went to a brewery and then a weird rock club in Duisburg.  He didn't get home until 2am, and had brought one of the group with him because he missed his last tram.  3 people went to sleep in the flat, and 5 woke up in it!

Next week should go quite quickly.  I'm being observed by my boss tomorrow, then possibly on a year 6 trip to a museum on Tuesday.  Parents evening is Wednesday - everyone has to stay until 7, but I get to go at usual time, plus we have a half day so everyone goes to the local pub for lunch.  Should be a nice day for me.  Then it's Thursday, which is nearly Friday, then it's a whole week off! Woop woop!

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