Saturday 25 October 2014

Half Term!

Half term has been lovely and relaxing.  At the beginning of the week, we went to the Duisburg history and culture museum, which was interesting.  It could have done with a few more labels in English, then again Duisburg doesn't get many tourists.  As you can see, the weather was not brilliant, and for some reason we had decided to cycle, and ended up very wet indeed!

This is a photo of Matt's preparation for his friend's visit this weekend.... a crate of beer!

On Tuesday night we went to see a Champions league match at the Schalke stadium.  We went with someone from school and his brother, and we had a really good time.  It was very cold, but at least they put the roof over the stadium.  The match ended 4-3 to Schalke, from a penalty in the last 30 seconds, so it was quite exciting really.  I haven't seen any live football for ages, so I really enjoyed myself.

Below was a flag that came down from the top row of seats and was passed from person to person until it was unfolded.  It was easily the size of half the football pitch, and was pretty cool I thought!

The end of the week has been lovely for Matt, having his mates here, and less great for me, since I have been trying to work on my article, while not being very well at the same time.  It doesn't make for a great combination.  

Back to school on Monday, which i'm actually looking forward to!  It's Halloween on Friday so all of the Primary school dress up.  Have a look next week to see my costume!

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