Sunday 18 April 2021

12 Weeks Old - First Trip to the Pub!


It's been a very busy week!  It started on Monday with Sam and Amy coming to visit.  It was a really cold day and we were sat in the garden for 5 hours, but it was lovely to see them!  Amy made Amber a beautiful cross stitch which is now up on the wall in the nursery.

On Tuesday, we went to the local pub.  Amber and I lasted an hour, and Matt stayed for another few hours with a couple of his football team friends.  Again, a really cold day!

On Wednesday, Dad had Amber on his own for the first time.  Matt was at the chiropractor and Mum and I went to Castlepoint for some retail therapy.  The shops weren't too busy, but we did go very early. We got some cute outfits for Amber, which we have both been desperate to do for months!!!

On Thursday, we met my friend Hayley and her family for a walk on Barton beach.  I always forget how close they live to us, so we definitely need to see more of them.  

We had some snow and some hail for a few days, and I built the sofa bed for the spare room, ready for Matt's Granny to stay next month.

Matt's parents and brother were here Saturday and today, so Amber got to meet her Uncle Luke for the first time.  It was so lovely to see them. We went to Pebble Beach restaurant on saturday night, which is on the cliff top, and it was lovely.  In true Amber-form, she started complaining as soon as the food came out, so we ate in shifts, just like we do at home!

We watched the Formula 1 today the a pizza, before Matt's family headed home.  And then Amber laughed for the first time!!! It was wonderful.  I was holding her and we were having a nice chat in baby language, and then she giggled! At me!!! Yay!  That has absolutely made my day, my week.  Hell, I think it's the best sound I've ever heard in my life!

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