Monday 1 March 2021

5 Weeks Old

 The sun has finally come out in the south of England! and it's wonderful!  We're trying to make the most of it by going to the cliff top and into the forest at the weekends.  It's a bit trickier to go out during the week now that Matt is back teaching online.  So, Amber and I are going for walks around the local park every day.  Today, Matt had a meeting at school, so we walked him there and met him on the way back for a coffee in the park.  We need to soak up that vitamin D!

Matt got promoted to Head of Upper Prep this week, a job that will start in September, so that was brilliant news.  We celebrated with a takeaway pizza on Saturday - we're so rock 'n' roll!

Amber is changing so much every week.  Her head bump seems to have gone right down, which is nice, and she's got lovely chubby cheeks.  She has been sleeping a bit longer during the night, so will go for 4 hours between feeds now.  But, she gets very grumpy in the evenings, starting from as early as 4 or 5, and just eats and eats and eats - then she doesn't eat much during the night - I guess she is stocking up to get her through the night.  It's a bit trying though when it takes you 3 hours to watch 1 episode of Line of Duty and you have to take it in turns to eat dinner because she wails if you put her down!

We were supposed to see the Health visitor last week but got a flat tyre, so that is next week instead now.  

Matt had parents evening on Tuesday, which is also his busiest day, so I walked over to Mum and Dad's for the day.  Dad and I took Lola and Amber to Barton cliff top and had a hot chocolate and a carrot cake slice and enjoyed the sunshine.  It was lovely.  It will be even lovelier when we can see Matt's family too!

We had our first smile this week!  Amber smiled at Matt, and the next day at me, and now she is smiling quite a lot! It's so wonderful!

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture where she is going ooooo! Such a gorgeous little mouth.
