Sunday 20 September 2020

Football, cats, house and scan

Matt is currently playing his second match for his local Sunday league team, the Hordle Spurs.  I went to watch his first match last weekend, which they won 3-2, although Matt did manage to get a yellow card!

Work this week has been fine, although a child with a snotty nose managed to accidentally wack me in the face/mouth on Wednesday and so now I have a horrible cold.  There really is only so much you can do to avoid getting sick at this time of year.

Mum and I went to Haskins Garden centre yesterday to meet Hayley and Maureen, which was absolutely lovely.  They are the first friends I have seen since February!  It's amazing how quickly time goes!

There have been lots of cat cuddles recently, now that the weather is getting a bit chillier, Snowball especially likes to come under the covers for a snuggle in the morning.  Snowy has been sick quite a few times recently, so we're taking him to the vets tomorrow.  Fingers crossed everything will be OK.

We now have new windows in the house, and a lovely new combi boiler.  The kitchen has been pretty much ripped out, either by the boiler installers or Matt, who did a bit of smashing up yesterday.  Progress is being made!

and all is well with our lovely little one, who has its 20 week scan on Monday.  Here it is holding it's foot, while moments before it had been sticking up it's middle finger at us!



  1. P.s. Great progress with house and baby!

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