Friday 28 August 2020

New House!

It's been a very busy couple of weeks.  We had my birthday, which turned into a bit of a disaster, since I was sent home from work for having a focal seizure.  I ended up being off for the entire week for focal seizures, followed by 4 days of exhaustion, when I couldn't even get out of bed.  I eventually made it back to work for the final week of summer school, which was fun.  The kids are lovely and it's a nice way to spend a morning.

We also had Dad's birthday.  He and Mum were camping, so Matt and I had the house to ourselves for a week, which was quite nice.

Now, i've just finished my first week off since February half term, and it's been an exhausting, but exciting one.  We finally completed on our house and got the keys on Monday.  We (mostly Matt and Dad) have done so much of the heavy duty stuff.  Mum's been amazing with the cleaning, and Matt's parents joined us for a few days this week, so Tony has been great too.  I've been doing the online work, because I can't do any of the heavy lifting or be around the dust that's coming off the walls too much.  I'm pretty useless in this situation really.  I can keep everyone supplied with tea and cakes and that's about it!

Anyway, here are some photos of the house as it was on Monday...

And a few from Tuesday after we had got started on the wallpaper stripping...

More house progress photos to follow soon!


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