Monday 20 May 2019

Sheshan Sofitel Oriental Hotel

We went away for the weekend, but before we get onto that, here are some (rare) in-focus photos of our gorgeous Sooty-puss, who is, as I write this, sitting on my lap (also rare), purring away (not so rare - he's quite a purry puss).  Snowball is currently blobbed out on the sofa, in you were wondering. We've put him on a diet, realising it had become necessary after his nic-name changed to dough-ball.  Anyway, we had to get a new water cooler and it came n a huge box, so Soots was a very happy boy.  He does love a box.

Oh yes, and it was Wendy's birthday in the office on Thursday, so we had cake...

Anyway, back to the hotel.  We decided that we needed a break from everything and since HR still have our passports we could only stay in Shanghai.  Luckily, on the other side of the city there is a fabulous hotel with a fake beach.  We booked on Thursday night and by Friday night we were there, relaxing by the (very very cold) pool.  We got a half board rate, so had two delicious buffet dinners, and two delicious buffet breakfasts. In between, we were executive club, so we had afternoon tea and free drinks from 2pm.  Delightful.  

Our room was gorgeous and the hotel was lovely and quiet.  We didn't even leave the hotel grounds once.  Just what we needed to relax, with only 5 weeks to go until a very busy summer holidays!  Looking forward to it.

School is pretty good at the moment, although still very busy.  My students make me laugh constantly, and I really feel like I have made a difference to some of them, which is something I didn't feel last year while still learning the job.  Maybe I just have amazing students this year! I shall definitely be sad to see them go off to year 5.  The year 3s coming up definitely need some work!

1 comment:

  1. Looks lovely. Glad you had a nice relaxing time.
